How much time have you spent being single?

If you’re currently single: is it by choice or circumstance?

Do you / did you enjoy single life?

What are / were the pros and cons?

Is / was partnership a goal of yours?

If you’re currently not single: Did your goals change after getting into a relationship?

What are the pros and cons?

    2 months ago

    Never really been single; I’ve been with my now husband since I was 15 (now 23). So I dunno goals from back then were nebulous, but generally revolved around becoming rich so that I could figure out what I actually wanted to do with my life without closing too many doors.

    Back then I think I imagined college as more of a growth experience since I thought I would be living in dorms; but living at my parents in law’s house has been good too since I’ve learned a lot from them in terms of finances and they’ve taken me camping and backpacking a lot which is something I’ve always wanted to do.

    At the end of the day I have someone that I love and who loves me and that’s all that matters. You might have to compromise more I guess as long as your mostly aligned you learn that the little things don’t matter too much. I’m happy I’m out from under my parents control (they sucked) which is nice too.