hot take?

Edit: got nothing against Ubuntu, it’s Linux after all and that’s what matters 🌻 Edit2: people took this very seriously for being a shower thought…

    5 months ago


    Ubuntu is wide spread, well documented, and was the recommended distro for a lot of things (like steam) for a long time.

    I used Ubuntu for a long time, I didnt grow up and move on or any hipster shit like that… I simply moved to Nobara because it offered a better out of the box experience for me, a gamer, due entirely to all the gaming related stuff being installed as default, at start.

    This weird need to feel superior to others over distro choice is weird, and kinda pathetic. Its just stupid and pathetic to be insulting and denigrating others over their distro choice… And says a lot more about the pathetic nature of the person saying it, then anything they could type.

    and yes, I said pathetic 3 times, because thats just how pathetic it is to be like that.