President Joe Biden on Saturday called Donald Trump “clearly unhinged” and claimed that “something snapped” in the former president after he lost the 2020 election.

“It’s clear that … when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,” Biden told supporters in Seattle at a private fundraiser Saturday, according to reporters in the room. “He’s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he’s telling people.”

Even though Biden thinks the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is “unhinged,” he said he believes the November election will be “close.”

“We feel good about the state of the race, but we know the race is close,” Biden said, pointing to recent polls.

    2 months ago

    He’s “unhinged” but the “race is close.” That should really tell you something Joe. You need to get out there and self-promote. You are up against a game show host, carnival barker who’s one real skill is the ability to get people to pay attention to him. Tell people how the economy is really doing. Tell them what the crime rate really is. Push legislation that will directly help the workers in this country and then brag when you sign it. Make it clear what we will really get if we give this orange clown another term in the Oval Office. Make noise and campaign in every single state.

      2 months ago

      No. It’s close because the corporate news sewerholes refuse to call Trump a demented rapist WHICH HE IS.

      He’s also a convicted fraud who still lies to this very day about the 2020 election, which indicates severe cognitive decline.

      Either is good.

      But it’s not Joe’s problem to fix. That’s the utter, abysmal failure of corporate news media run by republiQan masters. They refuse to do the right thing and it’s up to us to make them do it through doing it for them enough they can pretend they thought of it.

      Your sweet republican family and friends need to be told this is serious and not normal. Their media bubble isn’t going to.

        2 months ago

        The media has traded objectivity for eyeballs. Ever since that orange clown started running the first time it’s been a nonstop attention grabber and that’s all the media wants now. Good or bad attention doesn’t matter, it’s just attention, and Trump draws it out massively. Media doesn’t want it to stop.