I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won’t be surprised but don’t dismiss the findings out of hand. It’s important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

  • I wanted a list I thought I said that? I refuse to pay hence I asked as I want to be better educated on the topic.

    Here is u lumping all republicans together with the people u call extremists Nazis, antivaxxers, and antisemites.

    The “alt-right” is now just “Republicans” so they can hide their extremism behind moderates.

    I never said the left where Nazis. I made no comment of political affiliation or assumptions about you or myself.

    The right is riddled with far right extremists same as the left is riddled with far left extremists. The reason u do that see them as extremists is because u are aligned with them (no extremist thinks they are an extremist).

    They are completely comparable acts both Hitler and the left are finding real examples of a problem, both then selected a section of these people based on a common ideology (that they happen to not like), both then attributed the bad shit committed by a small percentage no higher than the societal average to the whole group, both then used that to organise societal prosecution of the whole group based on the actions of a few. Hitler not the left then used the general disapproval of these people to relocate them which he then used as justification to murder them because out of sign out of mind. Lot of similarities here.

    Zionism plays an important part in Israeli hostilities towards Gaza.

    So its antisemitic when the right does it but acceptable to literally call for the destruction of their nation if the left does it (from the river to the sea etc)? That’s some very impressive doublethink does 2+2=5?

    I’m not trying to link u to Hitler just pointing out the similarities and ur hypocritical or idiotic refuse to a knowledge said similarities. I have literally no say power or influence over what 2 other sovereign nations choose to do. It is quite literally 2 democratic nations going to war with each other I believe that we should respect the peoples decisions on how their democratically elected government operates. I’m simply concerning myself with the actions violence and hate happing in my backyard.

    That’s two mentions of my family not speaking to me. I’m not sure what kind of a psychopathic family refused to talk to someone because of political ideology but Me thinks you doth protest to much.

    • PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I wanted a list I thought I said that? I refuse to pay hence I asked as I want to be better educated on the topic

      Nope. You asked “So what’s the definition of white nationalist vocabulary?” and then when that was answered, you moved the goal posts.

      Here is u lumping all republicans together with the people u call extremists Nazis, antivaxxers, and antisemites

      Nope, there is me explaining that the far-right no longer give themselves labels like “alt-right” and instead insist they’re regular Repiblicans so that apologists like you can claim “you just call all Republicans Nazis”.

      You’ve tried really hard to strip that context out of your quote but since you knew cutting the sentence off half way through would be too obvious, there’s still enough context there to show you’re lying. It’s right there in the “so they can hide behind moderates” part – who are the “moderates” if I’m calling all Republicans Nazis?

      The right is riddled with far right extremists same as the left is riddled with far left extremists

      Not even remotely close. I know you’ve been trained to bleat “both sides” on command but this isn’t going to fool anyone outside your little bubble of people who will believe anything as long as it’s right wing.

      But sure, let’s play. Who are the Democrat versions of Matt Gaetz or MTG, both of whom are seeing to control what people learn by attacking teachers and banning books? Who is the Democrat version of Paul Gosar, who has shared videos depicting violence against their political rivals? Who are the Democrats promoting conspiracy theories to undermine elections, like Boebert and Trump?

      Lot of similarities here.

      Not nearly as many differences. Bullshit comparisons like this are trivial to make and I could link Hitler to 100 Republicans in 1000 ways using surface level shit that everyone does, even without lying.

      Hitler isn’t known as one of the most vile people to ever live because he made generalisations about a group of people, it’s because he was a political leader who arranged to systemically murder millions of innocent people.

      So its antisemitic when the right does it but acceptable to literally call for the destruction of their nation if the left does it (from the river to the sea etc)?

      I genuinely can’t even figure out what your point is supposed to be here.

      That’s two mentions of my family not speaking to me. I’m not sure what kind of a psychopathic family refused to talk to someone because of political ideology but Me thinks you doth protest to much.

      Nope, I just keep tabs on what extremists are up to and it’s common to see both “how do I redpill my friends and family?” and “my family doesn’t speak to me any more”.

      Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re unrelated and your family are good people that know your true opinions.