I know next to nothing of hiking, so I’d be interested in hearing of your trips and tips and whatever else!

My limited knowledge roughly amounts to go with someone (genuinely) experienced, have more water (and probably food) than you’ll think you need, good footwear, be wary of the mystery berry, and don’t try to pet/touch all the wildlife (no matter how cute they may seem).

  • VelvetStorm@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Buy walking sticks. I just got a cheap pair from Walmart for when I go mushroom hunting and my god they help out so much. I’m no longer sore and tired after a few hours out there.

  • foggy@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Not experienced? Don’t bite off more than you can chew unless you’re at least “athletic.”

    You don’t need much to hike.

    A water bottle. Plenty of water. Food is less important just have sustenance. Nuts, a couple protein bars… But man a backpack with a bladder/hose is nice. But also, consider weight.

    Hiking shoes help, running shoes are totally fine. Skate shoes/chuck Taylor’s/work boots will cause issues over long distances.

    If it’s hot, and over 10 miles, I recommend bringing a change of clothes. But again, consider weight/distance/experience.

    Pace yourself. And pace your friends in your group. And speak up. Start slower than any of you feel makes sense. Get in gear. Find your pace together. Never start fast. If you’re not alone, my rule of thumb is everyone should be able to have a good laugh without needing to stop. When In alone I go “slow enough I’ll never have to stop”. So don’t push, unless like, that’s the goal.

    Stretch often. Before, during, and after.

    Lastly, if you’re getting winded, two tips:

    1. Use your whole lungs. When people hyperventilate, they rarely use all of their lungs capacity. If you feel that “out of breath” feeling getting difficult, breathe “through your lungs. In thirds.”

    By this I mean full inhale, exhale about 1/3. Inhale a bit, exhale down to about 1/3 remaining, inhale a bit, exhale to 0. Repeat. This will oxygenate your blood a lot better than staying up in that top 1/3, as we instinctually do.

    1. Hands locked on top of your head. Elbows out. Relax your shoulders. Your lungs now do not have to lift your shoulders to get a full inhale. This will help you recover faster.

    That’s it. Start hydrated. Finish hydrated. Stretch. Go slow. Breathe. Hiking is easy.

  • Boozilla@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    This varies greatly by terrain and location, but it’s easy to get lost on some trail systems. GPS is a huge help, but is limited by battery life and the amount of data the map has (heh, doesn’t have) about your immediate surroundings.

    Many years ago, I went hiking with a large experienced group and one of the hikers (an attractive person I was interested in) got bored with the route the leader was taking us on. She talked me into splitting off with her. Sounds like the dumb premise of a porno or horror movie, I know.

    But it wasn’t fun or romantic when we got lost for a couple of hours. It was scary as hell. Fortunately, we were able to backtrack to a trail junction where the main group found us again on their way back out. We got very lucky.

    Nothing good ever came from that particular friendship, either. Other than learning some life lessons.

    Anyway, stay with your group and make sure you have navigation well covered.

  • jj122@lemmings.world
    4 months ago

    Walking up a mountain to start then back down is 1/2 as hard as walking in to a valley and then climbing out even if total distance and elevation are the same. Relationships have been destroyed over such mistakes.

    If you are going alone or small group. Tell people when/where you are going how long you expect to be gone what trails you expect to take and make sure you call them to report youre ok when done.

  • pearsaltchocolatebar@discuss.online
    4 months ago

    You need space between your toes and the toe of your boots. If you don’t have that space, your toes will turn into blisters.

    Go to REI and have them fit you for boots and a pack. Yes, you can get gear cheaper on Amazon, but getting gear that fits you right is worth the extra cost.

    Plan on 1L of water for evey hour on the trail. Drink it even if you don’t feel thirsty. Your pee should be nearly clear.

    Buy trekking poles and learn to use them properly.

    Leave your music at home, or wear headphones. No one wants to hear it.

    The slowest person in your group leads.

    Learn how to use a map and compass

    Wear brightly colored clothing in case you get lost.

    If you get lost, stay the fuck where you are. An emergency beacon is a must if you’re going deep in the back country alone.

    This is all just for hiking. For backpacking I have way more.

    Source: Eagle scout with a few thousand hours of hiking/backpacking experience.

  • fireweed@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    “Hiking” is like any other kind of outdoor activity: it can range from a literal walk in the park to scaling a mountain. You’re describing hiking the same way someone who wants to get into swimming might describe preparing to cross the English Channel; if you want to get into swimming, start with a shallow indoor pool and then if you feel like it, work your way up from there.

    I will say that there is a lot of misleading hiking info on the web (as in, maps of trails that are inaccurate, don’t exist, or that go through private property); I’d recommend finding a book (as in, made of paper) of local hikes from your library or bookstore (if you live in an area with an outdoor store like REI that’s a great resource). Select an “easy” hike of 1-2 miles from the book, ideally a “popular” hike (as in, one that’s likely to have a lot of other people on it) that’s somewhere within a short transportation distance, and do that for your first hike. Short, easy hikes don’t require anything more than comfortable footwear, and maybe a water bottle if it’s a hot day. Until you start getting into very long, very remote, and/or technically difficult hikes, assuming you’re in decent health there’s really very little to hiking other than stay on the trail, keep an eye on the weather, and don’t push yourself beyond your limits… or more generally, “if in doubt turn around.” I do recommend getting an Open Street Map app for your phone, as it’s generally more accurate than Google Maps; some trails are marked better than others, and OSM is a good backup to have in your pocket if you get lost or turned around, although it’s mostly only necessary if you’re going into an area that has a lot of intersecting trails.

  • Elle@lemmy.worldOPM
    4 months ago

    Didn’t honestly expect so much advice, but appreciate all of it! Feel free to share some interesting stories as well though!

  • dumples@midwest.social
    4 months ago

    Hiking and pace are very mental. It’s someone is slower than the rest of the group they should set the pace. You need to make sure they don’t fall behind because that will make them go even slower because they will lose the friendly chit chat and get discouraged.

    You want the most experience hikers on the front and back. They both are needed to keep you group together but back is the just important unless you need a good navigator. Treat it like they did the LoTR put your Gandolf and Aragorn in the front and back while you hike