• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    4 months ago


    “Moderate” Dems in office are supporting this, but the Dem voting base isn’t “divided” over if it’s ok for Biden to do something this immoral, but also against US law…

    We don’t want this.

    We don’t want the president using executive actions to break the law like this or when he went around Congress to provide munitions for a genocide.

    It’s just a slap in the face when he’s fine doing this for shit his voters don’t want, but refuses to do it for stuff his voters want, stuff that is moral and helps people.

    Dems in leadership positions of the party just aren’t on the same page as their voters, instead of replacing them with people who do represent the voters, we keep trying to make voters vote against their own beliefs.

    It’s just not as effective at getting votes, and we’re actively doing horrible shit.

    We need to run decent people, not ones who pull this shit.