• a lil bee 🐝@lemmy.world
      19 days ago

      They. Cannot. Do. This. Legislators cannot just wake up really motivated one day and enshrine reproductive rights. They need numbers, and we have to give it to them for that to happen. There’s no alternative, no magical ideal route just waiting for the perfect congress person. Republicans will pull out all the stops on this, so you need a filibuster-proof majority. Give the Dems that and you’ll get reproductive rights.

      4 months (with a flimsy proper majority due to Lieberman) gave us the ACA, one of the most impactful pieces of legislation regarding healthcare the country has ever seen. We need to vote in large numbers to achieve our political ends.

    • Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      19 days ago

      They tried with soldify access to contraceptives but the GQP shot it down

      They should keep trying for abortion access and contraceptives but with the current Congress it’s going to be an uphill battle to say the least

    • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
      19 days ago

      No they don’t.

      Sure they do. But they don’t right now.

      They’re not Trump. That’s the vote. You can be a single-issue voter if you like, because we all are. Our single-voter issue is preserving the ability to vote other issues later.

      RvW is important; my god, is it important. School-kid safety is important. Gun safety is important. Healthcare is important.

      Democracy is crucial. It keeps those other things possible. We lose that and every.other.important.matter is dead. It’s cutting off the nose to spite the face. It’s fiddling while Rome burns. It’s deck chairs on the Titanic. It’s a lively sports discussion while you’re landing the Hindenburg.

      You want RvW? Vote Biden for a chance or it’s not happening ever. I want strong gun safety regs and healthcare. Biden for a glimmer of hope or nothing at all.

      The pattern is real. Every single-issue voter needs to protect their issue by voting not-Trump, and we argue our real issues once we can safely do so.