One of Iran’s newest warships capsized in port over the weekend while undergoing repairs, an incident that could damage key warfighting systems and put the ship out of commission for up to half a year, a naval analyst said.

The 311-foot-long frigate Sahand was at a dock in the port of Bandar Abbas when it “lost its balance” after water leaked into its tanks, according to a report from the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

A photo from the semi-official Tasnim News Agency showed the warship, with a displacement of about 2,000 tons, resting on its left side in the Bandar Abbas port.

The ship, which Tasnim said entered service in December 2018, is one of the bigger vessels in Iran’s fleet, equipped with antiship cruise missiles and an electronic warfare system.

  • hamid 🏴
    3 months ago

    Is that something you really need to be investing in the US? You know what Iran invests in before their military? Socialized medicine and universal coverage including for all immigrants and refugees, you don’t do that.

    Iran doesn’t buy a lot of military technology because it is unpopular there to do so. The previous government of the Shah bankrupted the nation buying unneeded weapons which led to the revolution. If the government started spending of military like the US does they’d be voted out. Iran has the same Republican structure as the US. They are also not super evil geniuses, it’s a county that is threatened by the west not threatening. You just think they are evil because of propaganda.

      3 months ago

      I can tell your stupid because you said it has a Republican structure like the US without mentioning the Supreme Leader of Iran… the government of Iran killed a girl and multiple others because they didn’t want to wear head scarves.

      I don’t give a shit about Iran, but don’t act like they’re holier than thou.

      • hamid 🏴
        3 months ago

        Their supreme leader has exactly as much power as John Roberts. The Ayatollahs are the supreme court an the rest of the government is a republican democracy just like the US. I’m not sure Americans are in a position to criticize religious zealots in lifetime positions in high courts.

        You are the stupid one because you just believe what you are told without ever actually looking into or going anywhere, you said yourself you don’t give a shit so this tells me you are completely ignorant of what you are talking about. You have the understanding of a child and your immediate insults prove this.

        I don’t support Iran but I am not blinded by so many lies and propaganda that I feel compelled, like you, to just spout bullshit. I am from a refugee family from Iran and my we are an enemy of the state there and even I am not so blinded by US propaganda that I have to lie about them or their position in the world.

        My point is less about supporting Iran and not supporting the US spending more money on more military to fight a country that has sinking ships in port when millions of people in the US live in poverty and they don’t have socialized medicine.

          3 months ago

          Oh, so there’s multiple supreme leaders at one time and they make up a court that delivers a decision? Our Supreme Court is a fucking travesty right now, but it’s not the decree of one person. As is the case with the supreme leader of Iran. I’m not criticizing a lifetime appointment, or a religious zealot. None of my language implied I was against their religion. I’m against one person being a supreme leader. It’s a fairly easy concept.

          If you don’t support Iran than you should have an easy time understanding how having a supreme leader who can freely dictate laws is a little different than our fucked up republican (or representative democracy) here in the US. Now, we’re on the verge of having a supreme leader given some new interpretations of the law… but that’s completely different from the current Iranian setup.

          Do you consider North Korea a democratic republic because they also say they are?

          • hamid 🏴
            3 months ago

            They don’t have a supreme leader that can freely dictate laws in the way you think they do. This is simply not true. He has that title supreme leader of the revolution but there is no absolute dictatorship in Iran. It is a fucked up place with shitty politics but it isn’t that different than the US. You are completely ignorant of Iran, Iranian society, their government and politics. Read a book or better yet just go there and see for yourself.