• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • No, but that’s not the point. He’s trying to capitalize on the people that are “center” or “independent.” They have a different view of what they want. They’re the kinds of voters that are largely union, rural, live in swing areas, are likely to shift from party line votes and often their view of Israel is one that is more pro Israel. Maybe not as much “anti Palestinian” as one might think, but a viewpoint that’s very narrow sighted compared to a voter who might be more well informed. This election is a game of the middle ground, just like the last election.

    Biden doesn’t need to be popular in rural areas as much, he needs to prevent people from voting en masse for Trump in those areas. Especially in states that aren’t winner take all.

  • As stupid as this sounds, there is no irony is saying “no one is above the law” about an American in America while simultaneously saying the ICC and international law don’t apply/matter. In the US we have a legal system that everyone within our declared boundaries has to follow. The ICC and international law is something countries could/can sign for, and choose to follow as they please. In fact, the ICC issued a warrant for Vladimir Putin and several of the signatories (the largest being South Africa) simply said they wouldn’t follow the law and arrest him. It’s a piece of paper with no legal or military enforcement. Countries can simply choose to ignore the ICC and international law.

  • It’s simple. I don’t need different bags for specific purposes. That’s wasteful. I just use the same bags for range time and travel. Obviously I couldn’t tell you how a whole ass gun gets left in there, but I could see a few accidental rounds or casings.

    I got stopped going into Canada and their dog got a hit on my bag in the back of my truck. They accused my wife and I for over an hour of trying to bring weapons into Canada. Told them the dog has a good sniffer and that I frequently use that bag at the range, but that I was in fact just traveling to visit national parks and that if I was bringing in guns to their country it wouldn’t be through a major point of entry and would be in the thousands of miles of semi-unmonitored border.

  • Since this is the first arrival I imagine it was more about setting up a command location and creating temporary shelters for people to be right by where the aid would be provided.

    That said… what would also be more helpful is if we stopped providing weapons and ammo to Israel until they agree to properly negotiate and come to some kind of an agreement that keeps Palestinians from being shifted, moved and displaced while simultaneously bombing them at free will. It seems weird that we’re both selling the bombs to the attacker and providing the aid to the attacked.

  • It’s only equivalent to something like a pour over. Most people can’t properly brew something even remotely close to the straight caffeine content of the charged lemonade. Not to mention that to most people a lemonade is refreshing and they’re drinking 24+ ounces of it at a time.

    You’re looking at it from the perspective of caffeine per ml (which still, is not close since they’re artificially loading this with straight caffeine), but it’s really more about how this guises the caffeine behind something refreshing and easy to drink in large quantities. It’s why fruity alcohol cocktails are so much more dangerous to drink since they cover how much actual alcohol you’re consuming.

  • This puts into context how truly dangerous Panera’s lemonade was: combining instant coffee and monster energy drink together would only net you maybe 200mg of caffeine (160mg from a 500ml monster, and most instant coffee is incredibly weak with 25-40mg of caffeine being in them). You’re combining two known stimulants together and still cannot approach 1 charged lemonade. It was incredibly stupid of Panera to make this, and then defend it (although I get why they defended it in court).