I am trying to make a decision. curious about your thoughts on my personal situation, and what you think in general. or your own stories if you have anything relevant…

  • whoreticulture@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    Oh shit, must have forgot that $200/month could buy me a house. Damn. Also don’t see where I mentioned that as anything other than an aspirational splurge. Also … it takes me way longer than 15 min to do laundry, esp because I have ADHD and a hard time keeping track of timing loads, and folding usually takes up to an hour. But I realize you’re too fucking dumb to know what a disability is.

    Not to mention… what is the point of owning a house I’ll be paying my mortgage off on until I die? I’m gonna bring the house to the grave?

    • redisdead@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      You’re renting, you can literally grab a truck and move to a cheaper housing market with all your belongings overnight.

      If you can pay rent, you can pay a mortgage.

      At least the mortgage is benefiting you.

      • whoreticulture@lemmy.worldOP
        3 months ago

        You can’t pay a mortgage until you have a down payment … and even with a down payment…

        Do you know what house I could afford for that much in my area? A house in a trailer park where I would still be paying rent.

        You’re acting all superior but you literally can’t handle basic math.

        And you’re saying I could just move to another area … I don’t want to. As an trans person, I will simply not be leaving. It is very easy to access healthcare and services in my area. And my quality of life would tank even if I wasn’t trans … my job is tied to living where I do, most of my community is here… anywhere I could actually afford would not be a pleasant place to live. But yeah, if you want to own a home in bumfuck Idaho, sure. I won’t be, because I think enjoying my life is more important than a deed.