• RangerJosie@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    She’s deflated considerably since the Convention.

    Refusing to allow Palestinian-American to speak and “The most lethal military” has and will continue to cost her with the antiwar and posesses basic human decency demographic.

    She might still win. But historically moving to the right has only lost layup elections for democrats.

    • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      25 days ago

      Trying to appeal to people that spend most of the day on the internet trying to find a reason not to vote isn’t a winning strategy.

      If you’re fine with Trump winning, you don’t actually care about Palestinians, you only care about putting on a performance about caring about Palestinians for an internet audience. There’s no way for a political campaign to have success by appealing to people that have this level of internet brained irrationality.

      The “not committed” people decided to remove themselves from the equation, which has resulted in their concerns not being a factor in this election. If the point is to only express anger on the internet (and not accomplish any change) then congratulations, you have someone else to be angry on the internet over. Like most anger on the internet it will be heavily monetized and make some people a lot of money. But they aren’t ever going to have success trying to appease people that profit off of expressing anger. Whatever they do won’t be good enough because there’s a profit motive to this anger.

      • RangerJosie@lemmy.world
        25 days ago

        As unlikely as it is cuz chump is historically shit. But possible that Harris loses. Should that happen. I hope you remember this post.

        Because it woulda been real easy to turn this coinflip into a landslide. Let a genocide victim speak at the DNC and use the Lehey Law to embargo the Occupation. Cut off the bombs.

        That’s it. Democrats would have locked in both houses and the presidency for a generation or more. Instead of taking a victory lap right now you’re here fingerwagging like the good little liberal you are.

        Does AIPAC give you headpats or something? I know they’re not paying you. I’m not a liberal. So I’m not dumb enough to believe that. But what do you get out of being a volunteer amateur propagandist for a genocidal bloodthirsty empire?

        Don’t answer that. I don’t actually care. My start and finish line is genocide. If you support it in any way, I dont support you under any circumstances. Nothing else matters. Because that’s the cliff of morality. If you’re OK with it anywhere happening to anyone youd be ok with it here, happening to your neighbors. And that makes you less than human and not worth my time. (You owe me $5 for this reality check btw)

        • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
          25 days ago

          As unlikely as it is cuz chump is historically shit. But possible that Harris loses. Should that happen. I hope you remember this post.

          Why? Because a small group of people that never would’ve voted for Harris because of her association with “Genocide Joe” wound up not voting for Harris?

          Does AIPAC give you headpats or something?

          And there it is: An antisemitic conspiracy theory. You can’t even have a conversation with someone on the issue without devolving to to the “Jewish puppet master” conspiracies within three replies. Yeah I’m sure a woman married to a Jew was going to be able get your vote somehow.

          Antisemitism is my start and finish line. Obviously the conflict in Gaza is just something you’re using to be able to give cover for your antisemitic beliefs. You don’t care about Palestinians. You just hate Jews.

          And that makes you less than human and not worth my time.

          Dehumanizing me now too? Wow you’re speed-running all the fascist boxes here aren’t you?

    • WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      I mean I think among the majority of people she came out of the convention strong. But yeah as a progressive her speech definitely deflated me, still gonna vote but disappointed overall.