I have a friend who has a internet SO who seems to be potentially a scam. He periodically gives her/him gifts, she/he was afraid to talk to any of his/her freinds for years, she/he dissapears randomly, her/his voice seems to be modulated and we belive my friend gives more gifts than she is leading on as her/his paycheques dissapear. When the SO says longer sentences it becomes glitchy and feed backy. I know it could be the SO has bad interner or a poop Mic but is there anyway to look for undertones of modulation so we have some proof or anything? Before potentially breaking his heart, as I dont want to but worry for him/her?..

  • djsoren19@yiffit.net
    1 month ago

    Yeah don’t fucking do this if you care about your friend. These scams can end up putting people in life-threatening amounts of debt, and the shame of being scammed by someone they thought they loved has driven people to suicide.

    OP, if you and your friends all really care about this guy, you should talk to him about it and try to prevent him from sending any more money. Maybe bring some research on “pig-butchering” schemes, which is probably what your friend is falling for unfortunately, and show them the similarities. If you still can’t convince him, try and remain sympathetic so you can pick him up when the scam is finished.