I have an extremely high tolerance to mundane, repetitive tasks because of my vivid imagination. I can just keep doing the same mindless bullshit all day while I’m somewhere else in my head.
Poker face.
No matter what I am thinking internally, it does not show externally. Essential skill for customer service.
I do not have a good poker face, I think more customers need to get laughed at.
It would be good for some of them.
Oh, some of them need laughed or yelled at, for certain.
I, however, need continued employment.
I have a certain “go with the flow”-ness that helps me glide through.
I wouldn’t call it a skill but I’m really mechanically decent (3D puzzles and Rube Goldberg aptitude, that kind of thing), and my visual memory is really good, so I have the uncanny ability to tear apart household appliances, do something else for hours or days, then return and slap it all back together about as quickly with no leftover mystery screws. I just look at the shit all strewn about, and can somehow recall the very last thing I was holding and work backwords
How many parts are we talking about? Something like a washing machine has only few ways to go back together, even if you take it all the way apart, which is a massive bonus with these highly engineered things like home appliances. Things that need to go back together in the same relative orientation etc. like engines are a different story.
I have long legs and a long torso. It makes holding snacks out of the reach of my partner way easier.
Being able to remember dates and times of events and recall them without having to check a calendar
I’ve got a weird version of "net lazy"motivation. Anything I can do now to make a future task easier, I am strongly motivated to do. Anything that would be easier if I wait for [blank] I will ignore until the ideal moment that would make it the easiest.
It oftentimes leads to peculiar optimizations, but it has worked surprisingly well for me so far.
This is exactly what spurs me to wash my dishes right after using them. It’s much less stressful to clean a single plate & fork now, than to return to a sink full of dirty dishes later. I’d rather just get it over with while it’s still easy to do.