I’m thinking of using Shizuku to give root access to Automate app. My doubt is will it backfire in some way. I’m trying to automate enabling and disabling of Work Profile based on a schedule which frustratingly is missing on Samsung. I’m trying to run the adb commands “am stop-user -f 10” using privileged user block in Automate. Can anyone comment on this? Thanks in advance.

  • kayaven@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    You can run Shizuku in ADB privileged mode (running a shell command through ADB that starts a service so other apps can access that same privilege), or run Sui, a Magisk module that provides a same service but with root access instead. The ADB privileged version doesn’t trip Knox since it doesn’t require unlocking your bootloader, but Sui/Magisk most definitely will.

    • kayaven@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Now that I think about it, I’m not sure that Automate currently natively supports running commands with the Shizuku service. It uses its own privileged service that does practically the same thing. If you’re really desperate for using Shizuku, you could look into using the rish adb shell that Shizuku provides, but I’d suggest trying out the native privileged functionality in Automate first.