Self hoster and lover of cheeses

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • Pan/pang- the g has a well established rule to change the pronunciation of the a? No it doesn’t lol. Words are not comparable like that in english, this is another terrible argument.

    Examples: lead and lead, read and read, tear and tear, bass and bass, wind and wind. Spelled the exact same way and different pronunciations. Trying to prove how gif is pronounced based on the word gift just proves you haven’t thought about this for more than 10 seconds.

    There is no grammatical argument for hard g. There is also no grammatical argument for soft g. Once again, g followed by i or e can be either in English. The only thing that should sway this is what the creator intended and straight up told everybody many times.

  • in terms of how people refer to it these days, you may be correct that slightly more are using the hard g. what drives me nuts about the argument though is that the ‘hard g’ crowd does not have a good argument for it. the “g stands for graphics so it should be a hard g” crowd are immediately proven wrong that that’s not how any acronyms work. the “gift” crowd are immediately proven wrong as i just did above.

    just be honest with yourselves. the only argument you have is “we just like it better”. if you were honest then i wouldn’t be able to argue against it.

  • I never understood the boring argument, and I’ve read it quite a bit online. Every scene has a ton going on.

    It starts with a banger wedding outside while the don hears about somebody’s daughter being savagely raped. Theres also a short conversation about Fontaine and the movie exec being a dick. Bam, hagen is in Hollywood. You wonder what the family has up their sleeve, bam horse decapitated head in the bed.

    Business meeting about drugs, sonny goofs, wonder how that will go - assassination attempt. Hagen held captive. Luca sleeps with the fishes. Don in hospital, another assassination attempt thwarted, scene full of tension the entire time.

    Michael decides he’s in the business now, they plan the attack, then bam middle of the movie you have an incredibly long tense scene of a drive and dinner that you know is going to end in violence.

    I mean all of that is just in the first half of the movie. It’s buildup action buildup action repeat. This is not some slow character study alone… It’s a master class of character study with plot plot plot.

    It’s almost ridiculous how much plot there is to be honest. After all of the above there’s Carlo abusing Connie and sonny beating the shit out of him. There’s Carlo doing it a second time as a trap and sonny getting fucking annihilated by gunfire. Michael escapes to Sicily, gets married, and his wife is murdered in a car bomb meant for him.

    The cherry on top is Michael murdering the heads of the other families in one of the best climaxes of all time

    Sorry for the rant. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I just don’t understand the boring argument, this is not a slow movie lol

  • Screen sharing is still a pain in my experience. I’m a tiling window manager guy. I used i3 for years. Switched to sway, but have issues because xdg-desktop-portal-wlr can’t do application sharing, only entire screen sharing. Well I have a ultra ultra wide screen, so people can’t see shit on normal monitors when I try to share my screen. So at work, where I regularly have video conferences, I’m constantly changing my screen resolution so that I can screen share something that looks OK to others, but 1980x1024 looks ridiculous on my end on my ultrawide.

    Hyperland can share applications and even regions, which is awesome, and I tested it successfully on my home gentoo system, but it only worked on Firefox. Didn’t work for my jitsi electron app and didn’t work in qutebrowser. And hyperland isn’t easily installable on Ubuntu which is what I run for work because my work computer needs to just werk (gentoo is probably even more stable but I can’t mess with long complie upgrades at work and some corporate software is only available as .debs)

    So yea my life would honestly be easier if I just stuck with i3 everywhere but I’m stubbornly trying to use Wayland because I know it’s the future but don’t kid yourselves, it is a pain in the ass