• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • One of the reasons this election is so critical is the Supreme Court. If Trump wins, Alito and Thomas likely step down and two new, younger, likely even more conservatives get appointed, leaving Trump with 5 appointees who will fuck us for decades.

    We have to keep that from happening. We need Biden to hold the fort if nothing else. Hopefully, it will become quite evident that this court is corrupt AF, and there will be real momentum for reforms and/or impeachment of Alito and/or Thomas. We’ll need Dem senators to actually start pushing for this and probably start pushing for increasing the Senate with DC, Puerto Rico, and Samoa statehood.

    But people gotta suck it up and support Biden, while at the same time getting involved at the state level.

  • Traffic enforcement and red light cameras. I used to be very opposed to them, but I’ve since come to appreciate the absurdity of America’s car central culture.

    Additionally, traffic stops by police disproportionately effect minorities and lead to escalations and other issues, while taking away enforcement capacity from more important things.

    I still don’t think the cameras should necessarily be run by private, for profit entities. Nor would I really want cameras that ticket you if you go 1 mph over. But in general I’m much less opposed to the idea than I used to be.

  • Both my kids (4 and 7) use fire tablets and we have the subscription with it to get them access to lots of free apps.

    I put memory cards in both, as what they come with is insufficient. The older versions we had were a little janky, but we haven’t really had any issues with the current ones.

    The parental controls could be better but work okay. In the kids version of the interface you don’t really see ads, just app recommendations. Some of the apps still have gated content, but it hasn’t really been an issue.