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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月1日


  • Samurai champloo is a classic and contributed a ton to anime style, but maybe doesn’t hit as hard with plot as more recent creations. Fun and campy meets dark and gritty

    Inuyasha is another classic feudal Japan and magic environment

    May as well mention Afro Samurai if I’m gonna have a string of feudal Japan anime

    Most people look like they mentioned Cowboy bebop already

    I’m a huge Neon Genesis Evangelion fan, but originally watched it in the early 2000’s as a teenager with divorced parents so there’s probably a big nostalgia factor

    I absolutely loved cyberpunk edgerunners, but it’s only 10 episodes (watched this probably 5x already)

    The animated witcher movie + Castlevania (not nocturne though) were really good.

    Arcane + DOTA I found to be really enjoyable as well.

  • You’re previous, brief, comment literally mentioned media fear mongering - apparently it was imaginary media fear mongering tied to an imaginary scenario involving millions of interactions between men and woment and only two rapes (not sure how media fear mongering ties into an imagined hypothetical.)

    You are all over the road bud.

    I’m saying that it’s not media that’s brainwashed women into believing some Rape bogeyman exists - Imaginary scenario or not.

    It’s that every single woman personally knows someone(s) who has been raped/roofied/sex assaulted/groped etc. and they don’t need media hype to come to the conclusion that being raped in any environment is always a possibility. This is a very sad fact that women live with every single day.

    Not sure how you perceived that as an accusation that you don’t believe in Rape

  • Most of the “fearmongering” is actually women talking about their experiences.

    When media fearmongers Rape, it’s mostly by informing the public about rapists being sentenced to very light sentences, or rapists facing no jail time, or violent rapists being released.

    Either that or they outright victim blame and discuss what someone was wearing, where they were, who they were with etc, basically inferring that if she was safely at home under a man’s protection, it wouldn’t be possible for her to be raped - so look at all the safety she threw away to be reckless (outside without a male partner) and have fun (literally existing while being a woman walking sex organ waiting to be claimed).

  • Sure, it’s just “good worker raises” that no other worker gets must be super difficult for the law to determine what is normal employment and business, and what is a bribe.

    Would be nice if they could force the trump org to justify why only these few, specific people are getting huge raises or sweetheart deals/bonuses.

    Chances are they have similar education and competence/accomplishments as non-bribed employees. Since everyone is working at similar levels they all should get double salaries and multi-million dollar severence, or have their families get high paying jobs simply for being related.

    If he didn’t bring enough bribes for everyone, than nobody gets any!

  • ChocoboRocket@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneBoomer Rule
    1 个月前

    Honestly, there’s plenty of reasons to make fun of boomers/millennial/genZ but the reality is each generation has Republican and Democrat voters.

    I’m not gonna suggest that Democrats always have the best interests of working class people in mind - but their camp does contain progressives, which is something that Republicans lack entirely.

    At the end of the day, all our problems can be traced to income inequality that is largely pushed by Republicans (and a huge dose of “trusted media” espousing outright lies).

    You can absolutely have a business oriented economy whose government protects it’s people from abusive and predatory businesses practices while providing great education and healthcare for free.

    It’s something we’d all benefit from (even the wealthy, but it’d be less profitable) but something we’ll never have because every generation has Republican voters who show up 100% of the time - and Democrat voters who barely show up, can’t agree on anything, and require emotional inspiration to even begin to participate in politics.

    In fact, now that we’re literally watching Nazis take over the Republican party - anyone from any generation who votes Republican now is far worse than anyone who voted R in the past before the middle class was destroyed.

    The Republican party is evolving into its final form of purest facisim, something that was plausibly deniable 10 years ago.

    Bottom line is we’re at a point in society where feelings and opinions are the only reality for a lot of people. It will be the death of democracy, and they’ll go to their graves in chains they put on themselves believing they made the right choice, because why would anyone ever choose to feel regret or acknowledge the consequences of their own actions?

  • The Martian when the main airlock blows up.

    He ends up taping a plastic sheet over the hole with what I assume is super strong space tape and plastic and then continues to live in the station for 550 more days.

    We spend the first half of the movie learning how unforgiving the environment is, and how delicate his ecosystem for life is, but you can also blow half the place up and just tape some plastic over the hole.

    They did a much better job of explaining it in the book, but the movie literally went “just tape that bitch up with plastic, then we’ll throw a wind storm at it to prove it’s good forever”

  • Wake up sheeple, here’s the real history of the moon

    Neon Genesis Evangelion History

    First Impact (also known as the “Giant Impact”) is an Impact which occurred in prehistoric times when the Black Moon, a giant spherical object, collided with the Earth in what is now the Hakone region of Japan. The collision caused an explosion that launched a massive amount of material from Earth into orbit. This orbiting debris eventually coalesced into Earth’s only moon. The Black Moon is the vessel that carried Lilith, one of the members of the Seeds of Life sent out into the universe by the First Ancestral Race.

    Edit: Well that wasn’t well received, guess this instance doesn’t have a lot of evangelion fans 💀

  • While I agree with you about half measures that divide the workforce/classes I am still all about “raising the basement”.

    Too many policies will only meaningfully impact the wealthy, so seeing lower pay bands receive specific attention is always great to see.

    There are still far too many loopholes, lack of enforcement/consequences, and creative schedules that actively repress workers, but this policy sounds pretty great and it is affecting a lot of workers in less than a year which is fantastic momentum.

    It’s also more difficult to pass sweeping legislation when Republicans + Conservative supreme Court do absolutely everything in their power to resist any kind of improvement to American life they possibly can.