• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • FFS, I’m not actually advocating for eugenics.

    Perfect, then we’re on the same page. So in the future, when you don’t mean it, just don’t say it. The more civil we can keep the conversation, the more likely we are to have any kind of useful discussion and actual understanding.

    Also, this part:

    I’m saying those people are dumbfucks and probably spreading their dumbfuckery to their kids.

    That’s still doubling down on the previous statement… It’s not really more productive.

  • How exactly do you fight a terrorist organization who uses children as both soldiers and human shields without any sort of civilian casualties?

    Probably with more nuance than bombing entire neighborhoods…

    Seriously, there is absolutely no possible ethical excuse for what Israel is doing. Right now the IDF is pretty indistinguishable from the SS. Genocide is genocide and Israel has come all the way from victim to perpetrator. The irony and reality of it is making the rest of the world sick, the only question is, why isn’t it doing the same to the people of Israel?

  • Why would you think that?

    When I fire up the grill, I don’t do calculations on how much weight in CO2 I’m putting into the air and then extrapolate that to find the total mass of CO2 that grills generate globally. I usually just make burgers.

    That space engineer made sure that they were on the right side of the rocket equation and they made it to orbit (which is hard on its own).

    I agree that thorough environmental studies really ought to be happening, but I’m not surprised that aspects got missed.

  • Haha, Lemmy hates Elon so much…

    Does he really have hyperloops to dream up and Mars colonies to plan, or is that just marketing drivel to appeal to certain types?

    Well Mars is for sure the plan. He absolutely wants to build a city on Mars, and he absolutely has made strides in that direction with the starship. I’m not sure I’d want to live in muskberg though…

    Also to his credit, the world has electric cars now. It was Tesla that made that happen, it was not inevitable. The traditional auto makers were resisting electric vehicles really hard, they did not want to build them… They only started building them to not be left behind.

    I agree that he seems to have turned into a white hot ball of crazy. But his companies have had a pretty big and quite positive impact. I mean, compare Tesla and Coca-Cola, which is really doing more for the world? Compare SpaceX and Raytheon, both of those companies make rockets, but Raytheon makes them exclusively with warheads… I just look at what musk has built and I don’t see the problem that everyone else here seems to.

  • Well, basically that whole post is simply incorrect.

    SpaceX is definitely 1 company the whole company has the same CEO (Gwynne Shotwell) who oversees the whole operation. And for what it’s worth, the highly successful falcon 9 definitely was one of those “Lame brained” ideas once. “Landing an orbital class rocket is ****impossible” that was the prevailing wisdom, because it had never been done before. SpaceX is experimenting, figuring out what’s actually possible and redesigning a rocket from the ground up. The falcon 9 was the first phase of redesigning, it proved that you can make a rocket cheaper and you can further optimize a staged combustion cycle rocket engine, more than anyone has in the past, and finally it proved that you can land a booster and reuse it. The starship is phase two of that process, (Reusing the whole thing). They’ve switched from kerosene to methane, a change that will make engines much more reliable for extended use. They’ve figured out how to make very large rocket bodies out of sheet metal. And they’ve figured out how to mass produce the first ever reliable full flow staged combustion engines (That’s a very big deal)! In short, nothing about Starship is “Lame brained”.

    The Boca Chica SpaceX is burning money … This siphons off money from the Falcon SpaceX which takes away from improving the Falcon 9 launch system,

    The boca chica facility is not taking money away from development of falcon 9, there is no development of falcon 9, it’s done, the design set in stone. Ever since they started ferrying astronauts NASA needs them to stick with a set design. They got that design (called block 3) approved for crew use by NASA and from this point on they’re only allowed to make very minor changes to the rocket.

    Musk is an idiot but no one can tell him no at his companies.

    I actually agree that Musk has some problems and seriously needs some people who can tell him “no”. He needs that in his companies and he needs that at home, I think he’s got some addictions he needs to deal with before they ruin him.