• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • Someone shared this on Mastodon so I’ll just repost my thoughts from there. (Bonus for Lemmy, I was forced to squeeze all my thoughts into 500 characters, so this is the most succinct I’ve been on this site!)

    Pretty incredible how little people seem to understand these. For one thing, every method other than waterfall is a subtype of agile methodology. The major distinction is that waterfall has a series of phases from design through building, testing, and delivery that attempts to plan the whole project up front. Agile methods focus on smaller iteration cycles with frequent, partial deliverables.

    Something like kanban is designed for continuous delivery: we want to go to mars weekly.

    LEAN development is a scam though, that one is accurate.

  • You seem like a person who wants to try and do well and be a good manager. So be very careful of burnout, because the constant tension between doing what is right for your team and meeting upper-management expectations can drive you crazy. It did me anyway, which is why I don’t manage anymore.

    Take regular vacations and actually disconnect from work when you do. Try to do the same for at least 1 or 2 weekends per month. Being organized is important and helps with the job and the burnout, but there’s a thin line between “keeping notes in Obsidian keeps me focused” and “my entire 2nd job is now maintaining Jira tickets.”

    Organization is for you, keep it for you, and don’t let your organizing become a part of your “public api” or else it’ll become another avenue for status updates that you’re obliged to maintain. Turning your notes and private charts into data for upper management is why you compile special reports, just for them.

  • I feel like you’re being deliberately rude and not reading what I said now. First off, thanks for dismissively passing me a link I need to pay $237 to read, no thanks ISO, but also I bet it doesn’t say you must enable sticky keys by pressing the key 5 times.

    I know this because Macs don’t have this terrible shortcut enabled. You just turn sticky keys on in the Accessibility options. I also know this because the other article you posted tells the story of Gregg Vanderheiden, who wrote the first sticky keys driver in assembly and used the 5-press as a hack to signal for his driver to take over. Once the feature was officially implemented, the 5-press should no longer have been needed as a trigger.

    And in fact, the “rogue developer” (Ed Tecot) who bravely worked on accessibility features from further down in the backlog for the Mac didn’t implement the 5-press either. And that article specifically calls out Microsoft, by the original designer, for having a bad shortcut!

    It’s turned off by default on Macs—as the inventors intended. “You want sticky keys turned off by default because it’s just going to annoy them,” shared Vanderheiden in the call. “It doesn’t help you, it doesn’t help them, it doesn’t help the disability community.” But somehow, the wires got crossed with Windows, and to this day it’s enabled by default, an accidental 5-Shift-press away from discovery.

  • I really think it’s less “I don’t understand and hate this accessibility feature” than “why is my computer suddenly interrupting what I’m doing to announce a feature I don’t need?” The press-5-times thing is the problem. Why would a mobility-limited person even think that was how you turn it on, rather than say… knowing where in the Config panel it is, or turning it on during the computer’s initial setup?

    Computers also don’t default to having a screen reader going, TVs don’t usually default to having captions turned on (I’d personally love this being the norm, haha). It’s a strange option to suddenly activate due to an arcane key combo. It’d be like turning on the magnifier because you quad-clicked on something.

  • Graeber and Wengrow also suggest this is the origin of marketplaces. People had always traded, and would often hold regular festivals or holidays where merchants would gather to exchange goods.

    But the permanent armies of sovereigns require upkeep. So it isn’t just that you do taxes and create a gold economy, that’s the seed step. Then local producers are “gently coerced” into bringing their goods to market regularly so the armies can supply from them.

    In a sense, capitalism and policing arise from ever more efficient configurations through iterations of this cycle.

  • If there already exists “a binary” then that says there are 2 states. “Non-binary” only means there are not-two-states. This could be unary (there is one kind of thing), trinary (there are now 3 things, the old 2 and new, secret 3rd thing), or really any n-ary set of n distinctly numbered things, so long as there aren’t only exactly 2 of them.

  • Codex@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemdro.idSyncthing saved my ass
    1 month ago

    I keep my Obsidian notebooks and several source code repos in syncthing and then have them auto-shared between all my computers and my phone. Its been a great system, all my docs I need are readily available on all my devices with almost no delay and no cloud needed. A little advanced configuration to allow local deletes and I also have all my phone photos backed up this way too.

    When I travel, I use my laptop and phone on a little travel router, so they’re always networked together and syncing files. Definitely saved my butt a few times!