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Cake day: 2023年9月30日


  • Yeah, nah, Tamworth. We have our own branches of country music down here mate.

    Blak Country is a seriously cool branch to explore if you’re curious about how Australia has interpreted US country music into a localised sub-genre. Swap your mouth organs for a gum leaf and add some yidaki riffs for extra bass.

  • Food I cook is starting to taste more and more like my mother’s cooking. Moving out of home I always assumed my mums poor cooking was down to technique, boiling the brussel sprouts, steaming the peas until they were grey, water frying everything. As soon as I learned to cook properly it was amazing how much flavour everything had. Letting things brown fully, using oil, not overcooking everything.

    But recently, no amount of skill can save the sad veggies sold in store.

    It makes the hyperprocessed foods even more appealing when there’s nothing you can affordably do to improve the simple produce and staples. When potatos cost the same as Pringle’s, calorie for calorie (and they do, ) it’s easy to see why “just eat beans, rice, and in season produce” isn’t helpful advice - yes it’s frugal, but it’s depressing, and not as easy as it used to be. Why waste money on already rotting food that tastes bland when the same money can buy me a more nutrient dense food that lasts longer and tastes better?

    I’ve got a few things growing on the 2m concrete slab my landlord calls a back yard, it helps having home grown spring onion, parsley and pea shoots to dress up a dish.

    I’m a terrible gardener, I can’t even get mint to take. “grow your own” is thrown around too readily when people complain about produce quality. It’s not always an option, there is a physical skill, a cognitive skill, and resource requirements.

  • In Australia we call this “skimpflation” because they aren’t shrinking the final product, they’re skimping on ingredients to lower production costs.

    It’s the bane of my existence because brands I know and love will change their ingredients without warning and without changing anything on the packaging (sometimes not even changing the ingredients list! If the ingredients list has always just said “starch” they don’t have to change anything going from arrowroot starch to cheaper potato starch)

    I have allergies and I’ve bought two boxes of the same product at the same time, and had an allergic reaction to one, but not the other.

    I used to always blame it on my housemates not washing the cooking utensils properly, but I now use separate cooking equipment and I clean down the kitchen before I start and cook at odd times so I’m the only one using the kitchen.

    I’ve started emailing companies after my allergic reactions to determine if they have changed an ingredient, and 90% of the time they confirm they have changed the ingredients. Usually they put some PR spin on it about the new ingredient being more allergy friendly or sustainable (they don’t clarify “environmentally” so I assume they mean “financially sustainable for the profits of our company”)

  • My entire understanding of skinheads was “skinheads are fascists” and I never delved any deeper into it. Until the other month when my barber told me I should consider getting a chelsea cut, my gut reaction being “why would I want to look like a neonazi?”

    But one simple online search later, and I went back for the shave. The original sentiment of the skinhead culture is slowly being reclaimed, though there will always be two potential interpretations of what someone with that style stands for, I’ll happily rock my skinbird cut at union rallies and antifa protective counter-protests when actual nazis try to raid our local queer clubs.

  • On the point of driving whilst stoned. Confidence comes with experience

    I can definitely understand what you mean by this, but I think a certain level of confidence also comes from tolerance.

    I don’t drive at all, so can’t weigh in on that, but I cycle everywhere, and in my youth I would have never considered cycling while stoned, too risky, too dangerous, not fair or safe to others using the paths.

    When I started smoking, I stuck by that statement, I’d give it a full 12+ hours between my last smoke and getting on the bike.

    But just like your example, 12 hours became 8 hours, became 4 hours, and so on, where now I might have an smoke and 40 minutes later get on my bike to go somewhere.

    But then I take a T break, and I pick up a new bag, and I have my first hit in a month or two, and I sit with that high for a while and think to myself “fuck no, I absolutely will not be getting on the bike any time soon, this tiny toke is too much to cycle on”

    Then I’ll smoke heavily for the next month, and by the end of the month, my tolerance has increased, and I’m back to riding my bike while stoned (or rather, buzzed, because I’m just not capable of getting as high)

    Do I feel guilty for these decisions because I know it’s a big risk? Yes. Do I keep doing it? Also yes.

    But now that I’m in discussions with my doctor about medical dosing, it has raised a very important question - if I use medical marijuana to manage my chronic illness (the one that renders me medically unfit to drive) is the ethical and legal obligation of that treatment plan that I can never ride my bike again? I must always walk or take the bus? The same does not apply for people who use opiate based pain relief or therapeutic ketamine. They are warned not to drive if the meds make them impaired, but ultimately it’s their judgement to decide what is “impaired”. It will only be externally questioned if there is an accident or a near miss. If I am assessing my level of impairment before I ride stoned, how can I best ensure my capacity to ride in those moments?

    Also answering OPs question, I think this applies to a lot of hobbies, but I notice it a lot as someone who likes to sew my own clothes - the pressure from others to constantly get better, try harder, and keep building those skills.

    I do my hobby because it’s fun, sometimes it’s fun to learn new things about it, but sometimes I just want to stick with what I know and play in my comfort zone.

    My dad will often look at things I’ve made this year and say “you made something almost identical 5 years ago, and your stitches are still skew wiff, haven’t you learned to blah blah yet?” because his expectation is that I will get better and better with every passing moment as I practice my hobby.

    Similarly, people will tell me that I have “clearly got the skills to make xyz” and I should “challenge” myself. And sometimes I will, but most of the time I retreat to my hobbies because I don’t have to challenge myself if I don’t want to. I like my hobbies to be no pressure (I go to the gym to push myself, I go to my craft corner to relax)

    You are allowed to dabble, fool around, play, and have fun with a hobby. You are allowed to decide that “getting better” isn’t the goal.

    But it seems others will always question this, or suggest you somehow aren’t doing the hobby right, or enthusiastic enough about it if you’re only ever doing it on a surface level.

    Just today, I managed to get hold of a second hand overlocker, I’m really excited to make things with it, and my co-worker who also sews said “oh that’s awesome, the quality of clothes you’re going to pull off now that you can surge! I can’t wait for the fashion show”. She meant that in the most positive way, and I know what she was trying to say so I thanked her and promised her to show her what I was making, but part of me definitely heard “if the quality of your final product doesn’t improve as a result of this, you’re bad at this hobby, now you have no excuse not to be better than you were before” even though she meant nothing of the sort, and a lot of that was internalised shame because of previous discussions with people who were genuinely questioning my lack of improvement.

  • I never got my pen license.

    I remember starting highschool and my teacher questioning me for using greylead on all my assignments, I told them I never got my pen license and they laughed and told me to use pen.

    They didn’t explain that a pen license wasn’t a real thing, it wasn’t like you legally required a permit to use a pen.

    But all through primary school “getting your pen licence” was such a big deal I genuinely thought it was some big formal process.

    I had so much anxiety that first year of highschool thinking I was breaking the rules using pens without a licence until my mum explained that it’s just a fun motivational tool for young kids learning to write and I’m an idiot.

  • I’m a two finger typer, I did have formal typing lessons in school but I never learned to touch type, my teachers used wpm and accuracy to determine if we were on track and passing, and my two finger method was working for me in those metrics.

    I’m missing a knuckle and have bradydactyly, so my teachers sort of gave up when I asked for extra advice in learning to touch type, and I had no motivation to learn because everyone just had this attitude of “oh they’re disabled so they have to type weird, don’t bother teaching them the right way”. But I probably am fully capable of learning to touch type if I tried.

    I’m not sure what my method would officially be called. It’s similar to hunt and peck because I’m only using my index fingers, but I’m not looking at the keyboard when I type, so there’s no real hunting.

    Though if I have to borrow someone else’s computer I do need to hunt and peck for a few hundred words until I get a feel for that specific keyboard.

    My handwriting is also shocking, and that I do blame on my hand deformities and disabilities. I’m dyslexic and dyspraxic and was diagnosed late in life so never had any support with handwriting growing up. My journals look like a serial killer because each entry starts of nice and tidy, with even spacing and kerning and text in line, then as it goes on the spacing gets uneven, lines get slanted, I’ll use 3 totally different fonts in the same word, like writing “anɴɑ” instead of “anna”, oh and naturally I write the “n” first then have to go backwards and fit that first “a” in. It happens because my cognitive ability to write fatigues so fast but my motivation to keep writing and writing fast never wanes so I just power through it and my handwriting suffers, and then my hand spasms because even with an adaptive pen grip, I still have functional issues in my hand.

    But I love typing and I love writing by hand even if I’m not good at either, and I think that’s the important thing - not giving up on one method entirely.

  • There’s something in the air today, my brain is rotting from boredom but I can’t tear myself off the couch to do any one of the 200 things I should be doing, including some reports for work.

    I also can’t seem to find the motivation or even focus to play a video game, or get out the sewing machine (my favourite hobby).

    I’ve been doom scrolling for 3 hours. Even though I know it’s making me feel worse, and it would take me 2 minutes to put a yoga video on and grab my mat, and I would feel better…

    But apparently my brain just wants to sit here feeling guilty over all the things I should be doing but aren’t.

    Its my day off so I’ve half convinced myself it’s okay to still be in my pyjamas at almost 4pm, and do nothing today, not even cook…but I’m not enjoying it, it’s not relaxing. I’m paralysed by the complete lack of motivation, and self imposed shame over doing nothing.

    Im going to blame my ovaries for this unfocused, unmotivated mood.

  • I also hate cooking, but I’m broke and vegetarian.

    1lbs of dried chick peas goes in my housemates pressure cooker on Sunday, and 12 servings of chickpeas gets scooped into ziplock bags and thrown in the fridge and freezer for the rest of the week.

    On top of rice with a bag of microwave steam veg, stirred into a premade curry, blended and served on top of pasta like a weird hummus alfredo, thrown into a Quesadilla (side note, what’s a Quesadilla without cheese called?), smashed on top of toast and covered in whatever condiment I have. Or more realistically, I toss some salt in the zip lock bag and just eat out of the bag with a spoon while staring into the fridge wondering what I’m going to make for dinner, before grabbing a slightly limp carrot and an almost empty jar of peanut butter I left out instead of throwing away and telling myself “this is a balanced choice, protein, carbs, fats, a vegetable…”

    Rice gets a similar treatment to the chickpeas, a big batch in the rice cooker on Sunday, divvied up and frozen for quick and cheap rice during the week without having to cook it from scratch after work. We don’t have “minute rice” or parboiled rice in my country, and the “microwave pouch” rice doesn’t fit in my budget.