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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The issue is not that the parts aren’t titanium, its that there isn’t a paper trail documenting the titanium.

    This is an issue, because improperly forged titanium can have issues that makes it unsuitably weak for its intended purpose. Having documentation showing where the materials came from, when it was inspected for defects and when it was manufactured is critical for safety.

    United flight 232 had an engine explode in part due to defective titanium. This is a real safety concern.

    Though the headline says boeing, the article mentions these undocumented parts being found in airbus planes as well. Its an industry problem, not a Boeing specific one.

  • The main difference between trump and every other president is that trump doesn’t know not to say the quiet part out loud. Most presidents are good at discretion, as most federal policies are monstrous.

    Trump lead stadiums full of people in chants of, “build that wall,” in contrast to obama and biden who quietly maintained the barriers on the southern boarder. Same policy different messaging.

    Gaza will be no different. Trump enthusiastically supports the genocide, whereas biden criticizes and puts on a show like he’s putting pressure on isreal, while still supporting them entirely. Same policy, different messaging.

    I would love to be proven wrong, but expierence says otherwise.

  • I used a nokia dumbphone and it was awful. Not awful due do a lack of features, but awful due to how poorly those features are implemented. Kaios is teal garbage.

    But the form factor was lovely, and physical buttons are so much more precise and comfortable to use than a touch screen.

    The phone that I really want is a small smartphone with physical buttons for typing and navigation. As far as I am aware that is something that is not made these days.