
  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2023

  • Kaity@leminal.spaceto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneApe box rule
    7 days ago

    Seriously, also I wonder if there are peoples with the same surname that aren’t in my family tree, cause I am sure it’s more of a name of a village than a family. Keeping surnames is so weird though, very weird feudal tradition and honestly I think having a unique last name is more interesting in general. My partner changed her name to something unique she’s the only one with that surname. I kept mine cause I think it’s just so interesting, but part of me wishes I changed it, if not drastically then to the feminine version of the name as the language it’s in is gendered.

    One of my life goals is living in a house over a hill where the specific tree from my last name is planted.

  • I just started using it today after seeing a comment on it, it may have been yours and it seems fantastic, I took a look at their demo searches and it reminded me of old google while still keeping elements from new google I find useful, and being able to disable or disable any feature I want is amazing.

    I haven’t dug in too deep on making my own lenses yet, since they had some very sensible defaults (I mean seriously they have a default lemmy/fediverse lens) but that feature seems incredibly cool and useful if I want to set up something to easily search a variety of niche, focused websites on a subject I want to search on a regular basis.

    I was worried about it not featuring conversions/math stuff but prepared to use WolframAlpha for that, but it included them, the only thing is oddly after providing the answer to my test math query of 88+17 it showed search results from the quran and the bible lol. But I suppose that was just a minor oddity.

  • well it sorta just makes sense, the gui presents it as a folder, you can move things around in it like a folder, conceptually it presents them in a way to make you think they are physical things stored in a physical folder/box. cli it really just feels like you are using a string of characters indicating the desired file, it feels more like a directory that way, even if it always really is that way, just showcased differently in the gui.

    brain doing brainy things, strings/lines vs pictures/labels

  • Idk if it is just me but lemmy has appeared to have a massive right wing shift, at least a huge influx of liberals unable to have a conversation without blindly slinging accusations. A lot of people on lemmy now unable to comprehend unhappiness with the system, singing praises to the status quo and woefully inadequate reforms at best. Welcome to election season I guess.

  • I used to avoid extra responsibilities, and I still don’t have kids, and I don’t do charity. In the past moving to stressful positions was financially motivated. But my current job as a patient advocate is extremely rewarding to me. It’s the first time I felt I had a job that meant something and I am fulfilled by making impact in individual lives. I’ve had people call me a life-saver, and have had patients shed tears after I was able to help them. Sometimes my job is not so great, and some things are routine and go by thanklessly, but the moments I am able to be a difference motivates me.

    This is the first job I’ve participated and engaged in more than just the basic requirements, because I see what I do and what my colleagues do as meaningful and valuable, beyond making a CEO their paycheck. I go as far in my job to actually reduce GDP I suppose, steering people towards options that are best for them, even if they don’t generate direct profits for my company. I feel like a real person here, and that’s why I take on more responsibilities. (it also will help me financially in the long run, but that is less of a primary factor for me now)

  • Kaity@leminal.spaceOPto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulerrection day
    3 months ago

    Primarily awkwardly, and reluctantly accepting. I’ve been out since then, my name is legally changed and I pass to other people. They are working on accepting it, and they accept my trans partner as well, but they have an image of me of the past they have to set aside and I get that.

  • Kaity@leminal.spaceOPto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulerrection day
    3 months ago

    look, maybe it was a little autistic of me to bring up that it was an important day to me too, given that I don’t explicitly celebrate easter and I was invited to a simple close family gathering of just my parents, siblings (well, sister, my brother disowned them and moved a thousand miles away) and I. It’s just us 5 as family up here. I’m tired and I’m just going to say I disagree with you on this for at least this circumstance.

    I do know when to make the day special, I did go to my brothers wedding 2 years ago and made it all about him and his wife, I even gave a moving speech. I’ve gone to christmas and simply enjoyed the day and gave presents without mentioning I am a pagan and it’s “ackshually a pagan solstice holiday.”

    On this instance I was just intending to highlight that day also ended up being an awareness day, for something directly tied to my identity, and that was as far as I ever intended for it to go.

  • Kaity@leminal.spaceOPto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulerrection day
    3 months ago

    That’s what really threw us for a loop too. They don’t act highly religious, I know they used to be but it’s been becoming more spiritual for them over time. We thought they were taking some religious high road over us being “degenerate.”

    I think it may have been a miscommunication and them just saying they were planning on an easter dinner and thought we had explicit plans to observe a day of trans visibility. I’m at least going to go, and I’ll let my partner know so she can make her own choice given the clarification I got from a phone call.

  • Kaity@leminal.spaceOPto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulerrection day
    3 months ago

    Well it is called the trans day of ignoring trans people after all, oh wait, it’s the trans day of visibility. I don’t think just mentioning it’s an awareness day is that big of a deal, would it also be a bad thing if a solar eclipse or something was happening on that day and I mentioned that? Unless there was a misunderstanding between us, the only possible explanation is social war bull.

    Family involves interpersonal relationships, conversations, and discussions of importance to each other. You are missing the point of family if you think I have to put up and shut up. Chosen families exist because of the fact there are families where shutting up is the rule.

  • Kaity@leminal.spaceOPto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulerrection day
    3 months ago

    that’s all of the context my partner and I had last night before bed, we spent an hour talking about it and how it was very confusing and hurtful. Only got 4 hours of sleep due to that, and an earlier game night we had with someone else that went on for longer than expected.

    We’re sleep deprived and stressed af with our lease ending and seeing a new apt. The following conversation I had over text this morning seemed like non apologies (they looked at first like those, “sorry you got offended” type things) and walking back without giving a clear explanation. I re-read it and maybe your first assumption is what she thought too it was right before they would have gone to bed. I’m going to call and get some clarification voice to voice. Text and lack of sleep maybe screwed some things up and I may have you to think for clearing up a miscommunication… That’s what I want it to turn out being at least.

    I’ll give an update once I am able to call and sort things out.