
Trying to centralize my fediverse use with kbin but still with (rarely used) accounts on:

Lemmy: @Ooops &
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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • He is accidently right. There should not be a narrative in the first place.

    But people eat up Israel and Hamas propaganda like crazy.

    And what gets lost is an actually nuanced discussion where people can criticise Israel’s actions without questioning if the country has a right to exist and defend itself in the frist place and being grouped with antisemites amplifying the same message but for the completely wrong reasons. And where people can criticise Hamas without instantly being in the same camp with those supporting genocidal actions against Palestinian civilians.

    Thanks to social media this has instead devolved into a brain-dead team sport only build on narratives. With facts and common sense being lost and one side pushing narratives helping the other to do the same, when there is no actual right side, only degrees of wrong.

  • No, I’m saying that you with your polemics of “condemned by Israel, the USA, Germany, the UK etc. for being the wrong kind of Jew” are the problem.

    Nobody is actually condemning people for being the wrong kind of Jew or having the wrong opinion. That’s just your strawman because -in your “that’s my team, so they are always right!!!”-delusion- you are not able to understand that there are indeed a lot of people on what you perceive as your side who should be condemned for actual well-documented antisemitism.

    People like you with a stupid team mentality are the problem, not a solution.

    I don’t support Hamas and it makes no sense/is unfair that you’d jump to the conclusion that I do.

    It indeed makes sense to jump to that conclusion, when your first instinct is a random and unprompted attack on several countries, justified by a strawman. Because this shows very well that every sense of reality is lost to you and the only thing you can perceive anymore is people who agree with you 100% and those who are wrong.

    Arguing as if I had chosen Hamas or anti-Semites as my “team” because I criticize Israel is putting completely unfounded words in my mouth.

    That’s absolutely not what I said. You have chosen your team not by criticising Israel but by blindly attacking everyone you even expect to disagree. People like you constantly demonstrate they will defend actual antisemites as long as they agree with your opinion. The next step then is usually falling for Hamas propaganda because it sounds so logical… after all they are on the correct anti-Israel side…

    PS: Also very funny to write about “what I call the wrong kind of Jew” when I actually just quoted that term from your poor strawman. Cognitive dissonance must be strong in you.

  • Nope, the actual reasonable way would be not simplifying your dissent to a point where it’s idiotic.

    In a situation with two insane sides trying to kill the other it is not enough to disagree with one side. You also need to clearly distance yourself from the other madmen that agree with you, but for the completely wrong reason.

    So yes, there are indeed wrong kind of Jews: Those who criticize Israel from a distance but are unable to distance themselves from actual anti-semites, often -even worse- using the same media channels to amplify their message, are indeed wrong.

    Just like criticising Hamas but actually just repeating Israeli propaganda alongside idiots arguing for are Palestinian genocide are wrong.

    You and your black-and-white arguments are a part of the problem and not the solution. This isn’t a team sport. Both sides in that conflict are wrong. And by pretending otherwise you are discrediting valid opinions as well as actually helping propaganda bullshit like Netanyahu’s… because it’s much easier to pretend that all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic when those critics constantly stand right beside actual anti-semites and are unable to express an actual nuanced opinion beyond having chosen a side.