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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • You see, I don’t think people like him ever feel shitty. He feels as a victim, a martyr of sorts, people like this can and will twist anything in their heads so that it proves their grandeur, their importance.

    This guy goes to sleep every night thinking how great he is, and how the world is just jealous and that’s why some stupid judge was out to get him.

    My dad is a pathological narcissist and behaves exactly like that.

  • Phoonzang@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldEgg thief
    2 months ago

    Oh, I have a similar story from my (unfortunately late) void:

    Had a big chunk of pork, which I trimmed for the BBQ. All the cuttings (mostly fat) I put in a pad to render (?) the delicious lard. Somehow I forgot to put a lid on the pan while it cooled down, and the whole thing got forgotten in the mess the kitchen was after a nice Barbie and beers with friends. Next morning I woke up, thought “oh crap, the lard”. Went downstairs, first susicious thing: cat nowhere to be seen. Pan on the stove was completely clean. As in straight from the dishwasher clean. The I saw the cat lolling around on the sofa, barely awake, and almost unresponsive. Even shaking his morning treats did not prompt him to come into the kitchen (which usually was the ritual). And then it dawned on me: the little rascal slurped about a whole pound of pork lard during the night from the pan. Did not eat for two days straight, but seemed happy as a clam.

    Wherever he is now, I hope he gets all the lard he wants.

  • I have recently adopted this, absolute game changer.

    What I found makes it even better is to shovel the pasta directly from the pot into the sauce, getting little amounts of pasta water with it. I guess it’s the same taking half a ladle of pasta water shortly before it’s finished and add it to the sauce, the starch helping to bind the sauce

  • Ja, die Bahn ist echt der letzte Ort, wo man das D-Ticket kaufen sollte. Ein bisschen beschleicht mich das Gefühl, dass das aber Methode ist, weil die Bahn eigentlich mit Nahverkehr nix am Hut haben will.

    Ich hab’s einmal da gemacht, als ich an einem 15. eines Monats absehen konnte, dass sich das gegenüber Einzeltickets lohnen wird. Doof nur dass das Abo am 10. des Vormonats gekündigt werden muss, ich in der Konstellation dann also zwei Monate bezahlen musste. Mir kann einfach niemand erzählen, dass es irgendeinen technischen oder administrativen Grund dafür gibt, dass man zwanzig Tage Vorlauf für die Kündigung braucht. Bei 30(31) Tagen Laufzeit. Da wirken die sechs Wochen Kündigungsfrist der Bahncard noch geradezu plausibel. Bei jedem anderen Anbieter würde man das als Anfälle bezeichnen.

  • Ich war ja sehr lange ein grosser Fan von ihr, für mich hat sie aber mit ihrer Maithink X show (alleine der Name ist ja schon affig) ganz schön an Glaubwürdigkeit verloren. Muss denn selbst in den ÖR Sendern Wissenschaft in einer Blödelshow auf Karl Dall Niveau verwurstet werden, damit man auch ja das gesamte werberelevante Publikum mitnimmt?

    Vielleicht ist da der Schritt in die Politik nur der nächste logische, und auch wenn ich sehr begrüsse dass Menschen, die noch evidenzbasiert denken und kommunizieren können auch Einzug in die Politik nehmen, scheint mit da die Gefahr des Personenkults doch ein bisschen hoch.

  • Part of my work is to evaluate proposals for research topics and their funding, and as soon as “AI” is mentioned, I’m already annoyed. In the vast majority of cases, justifiably so. It’s a buzzword to make things sound cutting edge and very rarely carries any meaning or actually adds anything to the research proposal. A few years ago the buzzword was “machine learning”, and before that “big data”, same story. Those however quickly either went away, or people started to use those properly. With AI, I’m unfortunately not seeing that.

  • Because if I spend 50k on an ICE car, I get a really manly truck which makes me feel important and not like a wimp driving a car that makes me look poor!

    I am so surprised that this stone age reasoning still works so well with cars.

    “But I need the space! … once every two years…”

    Same with fuel efficiency: “My big ass penis enlargement SUV gets the same mileage like my tiny sedan did 30 years ago, so it’s not worse for the environment!” - “But a car the size of your tiny sedan 30 years ago would now be twice as efficient?” - “Does not matter, I will use up the transportatin CO2 footprint that has been allotted to me, why should I give something up for the benefit of everyone , especially something important like a antiquated status symbol?”

  • Homeowners insurance: “Since you don’t have some certificate or whatever, your proper solution is something we won’t cover. If you want it covered, get someone with a certificate to do a hackjob.”

    At least in Germany, you’re not allowed to touch anything “important” like water, electric, plumbing, or gas. Even if you would do a much better job, quicker, and cheaper, than any contractor who’d be allowed to do that work. Every single contractor I hired remodeling our house did something which was clearly not up to code (DIN or EN), and almost every time they put up a fight explaining it away, even when I read them the exact wording of the norm. “Well, if I’d do it that way, I would never finish work!” “This would be too much work, nobody does it that way” “I am always doing it this way and never had any complaints”

    Discussion was always over when I asked whether I should get an inspector to settle it. They begrudgingly fixed the issue, and without fail tried to bill me for it (additionally).

    I am so done with contractors, those are the original gatekeepers.