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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 6th, 2024


  • I think an easier solution would be to expand section 8. The government should have tons of housing units built, and then families can “pay them off” with section 8 funding. Right now section 8 money just goes to slumlords. Instead that money could go to the people who actually need it. This would increase housing supply, so prices would come back down, plus allow people to build equity and ownership in their home allowing them to start raising themselves out of poverty.

  • That seems to be the theory… Any sources for it though? Why are they allowed to be single issue voters, but not progressives? Why isn’t Joe out there saying stop the genocide or we’ll stop all support of Israel, and then sending in the meme team to harass the shit out of pro genocide centrists? Something like “it’s the most important election ever, how could you possibly be thinking of voting for Trump, don’t you know he LITERALLY supports Nazis? So you think Nazis don’t still hate Jews? Don’t you know that not voting or voting 3rd party is basically voting for Nazis??”

    Seriously, what are the stats? I just don’t believe there are that many people who would be like “well I was going to vote for Joe, but then he came out as anti genocide, so I guess I’ll just hold my nose and vote for Trump… Sure he’s a Nazi supporter, but at least he’ll keep the genocide going”

  • Illuminati? No… Corporate donors? Yes… Insane to think they don’t

    I think the Dems might be working off old numbers. I think there were far fewer progressives in the 90’s, and the party hasn’t caught up with the fact that the majority of the younger generations are far left of them now. Maybe not on social issues, I think the Dems have made a lot of progress there, but fiscally they’re still protecting the interests of the rich at the expense of everyone else.

    If they’ve done the research, then let’s see it.

  • Wes4Humanity@lemm.eetotumblr@lemmy.worldDance Dance Revolution
    14 days ago

    Does anyone have any statistics on how many people are likely to vote for Joe because he keeps moving to the right? Like, how many people are ACTUALLY on the fence between Biden and Trump? Compare that to how many people won’t vote or will vote 3rd party BECAUSE Biden keeps moving right.

    Seriously, if they’d just come out and say “look, we’ve run the numbers, moving right gets us 10mil center right votes while losing us 1mil progressive votes, but moving left would only get us 5mil progressive votes while losing us 4mil center right votes” I’d get it and support the math. Gotta do it in good faith though… Assume progressives are not supporting Genocide Joe unless he moves left, not that they can be bullied into changing their minds.