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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Edit: actually I’m not sure if Iceland included these specific EU rules, so maybe they can actually sell it there?..

    Unless the Icelandic government explicitly passes a law to override an EU mandate, then the EU mandate applies in Iceland. It’s a weird setup, as they are not actually in the EU so I’m unclear about why they follow EU mandates at all. I assume it makes trade easier.

    It’s hard to see why they would pass a law to override a safety consideration unless there was a grassroots movement to be able to drive cyber trucks.

  • The problem with it being a dev kit is that I don’t know what features are and are not going to be on the more consumer model, so I can’t really develop anything for it.

    Will the consumer version have the truly excellent depth tracking or will it use the cheaper but more traditional point tracking system, because that will inform my UI decisions. Will it have iris recognition for logins or will I need to build that functionality in, will they please include controllers, will they please fix it so that you can pin things to a location, and not have them close just because you leave that location? I don’t know, as they haven’t communicated anything about it.

  • Starfield’s big problem is it’s a huge universe built on an engine that really can’t support massive worlds like that. The reason you can’t fly around on the surface of a planet is because their crappy engine can’t cope with that much space existing, and it can’t load more environment when you get to the edges like every other game does because their engine doesn’t support proper level streaming.

    If you mod the game to force the issue it gets glitchy very very quickly.

  • The way iMessage works is really broken. It’s like back in the old days when email was done by POP, so you would have to delete the email separately on both your laptop and your desktop otherwise you’d have inconsistencies.

    Apple has never put any effort into it. Virtually every other messaging system is superior. People only used it because SMS was so limited back in the day but now there’s no reason for it to exist.