• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • ML translation of the annotation on the link, because I’ve forgotten the vast majority of my vocabulary and I’ve always been awful at kanji:

    The first episode of the new series is published in Haruta No. 117, which will be on sale from September 13 this month.

    The title is “Wolf, tremble and sleep”

    The setting is the story of a female bandit and those who pursue her in northern India in the 1980s.

    The two main characters are double heroines, in other words, both are girls. An acquaintance who read it before the release was surprised, so I made an annotation…

    It took me a little over 2 years to prepare for the serialization, and I submitted a number of completely different ideas along the way and died repeatedly.

    There have been twists and turns, such as stumbling many times and giving birth and childcare, but somehow it was the launch of a new series, and I am patting my chest for the time being.

    Today was a happy day for my family to celebrate.

    In a different situation than when “Horus”, I hope I can somehow overcome new challenges and new rough waves in myself.

    I hope it will be a work that readers will love, so thank you very much.

    While writing, I often watch Indian movies while creating works set in India.

    Please let me know if you have any recommended Indian movies

    I also like “RRR” and “Barf Bali”, but I also like “If I can call your name” and “I’m sure it will work”


  • Uh, good.

    As an engineer who cares a LOT about engineering ethics, it is absolutely fucking infuriating watching the absolute firehose of shit that comes out of LLMs and public-consumption ML audio, image, and video ML systems, juxtaposed with the outright refusal of companies and engineers who work there to accept ANY accountability or culpability for the systems THEY FUCKING MADE.

    I understand the nuances of NNs. I understand that they’re much more stochastic than deterministic. So, you know, maybe it wasn’t a great idea to just tell the general public (which runs a WIDE gamut of intelligence and comprehension ability - not to mention, morality) “have at it”. The fact that ML usage and deployment in terms of information generating/kinda-sorta-but-not-really-aggregating “AI oracles” isn’t regulated on the same level as what you’d see in biotech or aerospace is insane to me. It’s a refusal to admit that these systems fundamentally change the entire premise of how “free speech” is generated, and that bad actors (either unrepentantly profit driven, or outright malicious) can and are taking disproportionate advantage of these systems.

    I get it - I am a staunch opponent of censorship, and as a software engineer. But the flippant deployment of literally society-altering technology alongside the outright refusal to accept any responsibility, accountability, or culpability for what that technology does to our society is unconscionable and infuriating to me. I am aware of the potential that ML has - it’s absolutely enormous, and could absolutely change a HUGE number of fields for the better in incredible ways. But that’s not what it’s being used for, and it’s because the field is essentially unregulated right now.

  • For those unaware of the numbers, the union’s internal vote had members breaking for Trump nearly 2:1. So I guess I hope they have fun when the leopard comes around for some face jerky.

    Tangentially, I think Rush Limbaugh and other conservative radio commentators that flooded the airwaves for DECADES across the country are largely to blame. That was one of the “you can always find it anywhere in the US” sections of radio content for a very, very long time, and it corrupted the thinking of a LOT of people. Propaganda works, and it’s often very fucking scary when it does.