More people are turning than crossing.
More people are turning than crossing.
Because of the crossover, traffic can only cross the interchange in one direction at a time, so most of the traffic in the interchange is not moving most of the time.
I’m not so sure about that. The appropriate use of a diverging diamond is when there is a lot of traffic entering and exiting from the ramps, and some of that traffic can go at the same time as the traffic crossing the interchange in one direction.
He’s a great guy
He’s the eighth guy, he is! (The singer’s real name is Peter Noone)
Not on bicycles, that’s for damn sure!
Wanna hear something stupid and fucked-up? Listen to this: in my city, getting a license to serve alcohol comes with a minimum parking requirement. Not maximum, minimum. In other words, if you as a business want to be allowed to get people drunk, you effectively must facilitate drunk driving by building extra parking for them. It’s absolutely ludicrous and ass-backwards!
Like how the fuck do you get home after a night on the pish, fuckin’ flying?
Public transit?
For real though, what is the alternative? I live too far from the city to walk and getting someone to drive is not always easy and in the case of a taxi, expensive.
Public transit?
That can be tricky, though. Done well and you get a villain like Gul Dukat. Done slightly less well, such as with Killmonger and the villains from both Incredibles movies, and you have to make them at least resort to “for the evulz” methods to prevent the audience from sympathizing with them, and even then you may be left with a broken Aesop at the end.
Having idiotic characters is one thing. Having otherwise-competent characters suddenly become idiotic because the plot doesn’t work otherwise is what’s bad.
Hi, civil engineer* here. Nah, fam: a lot of the time we don’t even use formulas; we just look shit up in tables or interpolate on a graph!
(* To be fair, (a) I specialized in traffic, and (b) I didn’t do all that much professional work as a civil engineer before switching to software “engineering” instead. That’s even less mathematically rigorous most of the time, LOL.)
I don’t mean to absolve corporations even a little bit, but NIMBYs are also the real culprit, too. There’s plenty of blame to go around for both.
Beaver-fursona* people in shambles.
(* I assume that’s a thing)
I don’t think it’s fair to color Greenland and French Guiana differently than Denmark and France, respectively.
Yeah, I read that it’s a yearly thing. My question though, is why Oct 1?
Is Oct 1 the Japanese equivalent of April Fools Day or something?
In the long run, shit like this is theft from the Public Domain.
The Heritage Foundation is an anti-American hate group and should be treated as such.
Or finally in the case of medic from tf2. They become a fairly predictable 1 trick pony, low reward class.
I miss the medic from TFC. The double-barreled shotgun and the concussion grenades gave them options.
(I guess that’s kinda proving the point against “pure healers,” LOL)
Nobody should give a flying fuck what “Tendy doesn’t like” because they are not entitled to dictate what people are allowed to do with their own property.
The owner of a copy of a Pokemon game has every right to edit his save file, in exactly the same way that the owner of a paper copy of a novel has every right to cross stuff out and write his own fanfic in the margins. These are fundamental property rights that have been well-established for hundreds of years, that Nintendo and other megalomaniacal copyright tyrants are now trying to destroy.
I don’t care what bullshit justification they try to come up with for it; the bottom line is that it violates computer owners’ property rights.
It is absolutely unconscionable, ass-backwards, Bizarro-world bullshit to privilege temporary fake Imaginary Property (IP) over and above actual property!
My university’s traffic engineering curriculum was still pretty car-centric as of the late 2000s, and that’s at a top-tier school so I assume most others were even more backwards.