• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I thought, surely this is out of context right? the next quote:

    Brink, a mixed martial arts coach, told CBS8 that he had taught his child to fight, saying he had offered praise “for violent behavior really early. I told him it works. It is instant and you’ll get immediate results.”

    Took my daughter to Inside Out 2 the other day. I really appreciate all these films and shows that put such an emphasis on feelings and kindness.

    I feel so bad for the children out there with such shitty parents. The Oxford shooter’s parents come to mind.

  • I know this is contrarian especially with the tankies of Lemmy but I think the White House is handling this situation about as best as feasible given the circumstances. When you consider the power of AIPAC, that Israel has an online troll farm akin to Russia as well as dumping money into anti-Democrat ads, that a sizable chunk of the electorate still expresses at least sympathy if not support for Israel, I think it’s important that the Biden administration’s actions are proportional to where public polling is. It’s of course no coincidence that as support for Israel has waned since October, there has a been a proportionate shift in public and private support for Israel from the administration. Too rapid and Biden could get ahead of polls; too quick to withdraw all aid and prior commitments, and all it takes is one little false-flag that someone like Bibi would happily let happen to score massive geopolitical points to crush Biden. Then if Trump gets in, then Bibi — like Putin — is utterly free to do as he wishes.

    The key to crippling Israel and implementing further action isn’t simply criticizing the Biden administration, but rather influencing the polls. Spreading the word virally across social media on the atrocities committed by Israel and Bibi, and tying them to the more popular Pro-Ukrainian conflict. In doing so, you will see a change in the polls and a reflection in administrative policy.

  • Yes and no. They’ve since lost global support for their actions; in an unprecedented move they are now being closely investigated for war crimes in a state of the world where such courts want to maintain impartiality to sustain their verdicts against Russia in Ukraine. To me it seems pretty clear that the Biden administration wants nothing to do with Israel but is only willing to follow the polls of public sentiment as opposed to take an aggressive stance ahead of where the public is at.

    In this respect, Hamas succeeded. Israel over-stepped and committed the equivalent of 30, 40, perhaps 50+ October 7ths. The widespread recognition that Israel is a far-right nationalist government and Bibi is trying to desperately cling to power and avoid conviction in ongoing criminal trials domestically will, hopefully, have serious repercussions in the long-term. Domestically, Israelis may also slowly be coming to the realization that their Democracy isn’t so Democratic.

    Both Netanyahu and Putin are closely watching, and actively trying to influence, these US elections.

  • I can’t speak for other engineering trades or even other software degrees from other universities but I know my degree was ABET accredited (US) for what it’s worth. A massive chunk of our education was instilling the engineer’s mindset in terms of architecture, design, test-driven, development QA/QC, and coordination and integration with other specialties in the system. I really do wish there was a protection over the title, for I agree some may call themselves software engineers but were never actually trained in the engineering design process.

  • In case anyone wasn’t aware, no this didn’t go directly into the Biden campaign’s funds; it went into a SuperPAC hiding the source(s) behind serveral shell companies. SuperPACs, unlike PACs or individual donations have no contribution limit, and usually require no disclosure of source. Their only requirement is they act independently from the candidate they endorse, and so cannot directly coordinate. This of course is pretty much irrelevant as call-and-response akin to the whole, “Russia, if you’re listening…” can work just fine. Some may remember Colbert Report mocking this concept on a weekly basis.

    This mostly a result of Citizens United v FEC and Speech Now v FEC, and traces back to Buckley v. Valeo.

    Perhaps the single-most damaging action to our Democracy in decades. Thank conservatives.

    Democrats must now play by the game in order to ever have a chance to win and change the rules.

  • This shouldn’t surprise anyone, sadly. In a way there are many parallels with Bibi, and Trump & Putin for different reasons.

    For Trump’s case, Bibi has been facing corruption trials and his freedom is at least partially contingent on remaining prime minister and possibly revamping the entire justice system so as to avoid conviction.

    For Putin, we’re looking at similarities in terms of exploiting crises for power consolidation (see the apartment bombings), and just the sheer amount of time a person has clung to power, both over 2 decades, surving several American presidents. All exploit right-wing nationalism.

    Let’s not Netanyahu’s stochastic remarks essentially led to the previous Israeli prime minister’s assassination (because he was pursuing a 2 state solution in earnest).

  • What polling are you referring to, because the March polling from PEW who I’d trust the most in this situation still has 36% supporting Gaza action and another 9% having no opinion.

    The question none of this polling dares to ask and probably should is, “will this issue prevent you from voting for a candidate in the general election?”

    I think that’s a fair question, but at the end of the day, the vast majority of people also do not place the Israeli-Palestinian war remotely at the top of their top list of concerns. So framing another way is: What % of the electorate in key states actually considers Biden’s actions as unacceptable, versus the % of the electorate who still continues to support Israel and would consider it unacceptable if he withdrew further support? Moreover in terms of damage-control what would happen to Biden if he withdrew all aid to Israel and they just so happened to incur another terrorist attack? Whether we like it or not, this election is inevitable and Biden is certainly the better option not only for the people of Gaza but also the people of Ukraine and the wider planet for that matter. Certainly wouldn’t be that difficult for a right-wing nationalist government to stage a false-flag akin to Russia’s apartment bombings. So I think the proportional wind-down as polls continue to turn against Israel is the smart move. If I was in the Oval Office (and of course, none of us here are), that’s what I would be advising. Meanwhile the second I win election, I’d be cutting Israel off entirely.

  • Right-wing extremist governments exacerbate regional instability, ranging from neocons invading Iraq, the Assad regime gassing and bombing its own people, Russia invading Ukraine, etc… Refugees amass.

    Right-wing extremist ideology denies climate change again and again, ignoring the warnings from the smartest most knowledgeable groups among us. Refugees amass.

    … And what is the reaction after feeling the effects from these causes? Electing right-wing extremist governments… Smh.

    Well, they asked for it…

  • Donald Trump approves this message!

    Let’s not forget that a massive segment of the voting electorate still supports Israel, which is the needle to thread.

    If you care so much about this, what you can do is go on social media as well as speak to your friends and family about what Israel is doing to influence the polls directly. Reduce the national poll numbers and you’ll see a reflection in policy. The slow shift in policy towards Israel has obviously been proportional to the degrading national and international support.