Na dann ist das Problem ja geloest. Ach wie, nicht geloest?
Na dann ist das Problem ja geloest. Ach wie, nicht geloest?
I don’t think that people voluntarily give up, I believe that they are more burnt out etc than ever
Nothing I can explore the PC for 12 hours. Sounds like fun. Maybe play some pinball.
Please not Vista
Alle Politiker_innen die da die Konzerne irgendwie aus der Pflicht genommen haben müssen zum Skandal werden.
Das ist echt so krass. Da gibt es immer Artikel über Windräder die sich nicht recyclen lassen. Die kann man einfach vergraben und fertig.
Ich möchte die Kosten gar nicht wissen die dieser Atommüll noch verursachen wird.
Glaube bei Atomkraft ist es eher der Wunsch nach einer Wunderlösung als ich ich ich
Who cares about London
Not aversion to risk imo
Naivität schützt doch vor Strafe nicht, oder?
damn thanks how did I not know these existed…
any special model that you prefer?
Any smartphone, they’re not that different and all have the same weaknesses. They’re pretty fragile, don’t have battery-life and they have lots of bloat and functionality that’s gate-kept behind sign ups and cloud accounts
I am not going to watch either
I never fly anyways!
I don’t think NiCd batteries where too bad.
I still like them. All their devices had replaceable batteries.
Battery news is always like this has never in my lifetime lead to revolutionary changes. We had tons of incremental changes though!
Adrian and Musk were on the same twitter space call once and even conversed a bit. Maybe that video was fake or just really well done by him with voice changers, but honestly I think it’s just a coincidence that these two idiots sound alike.
Yes it would be really funny if musk did this but reddit also is going wild over this and I think in the end it will just for once turn out that musk Musk didn’t do something.
Okay I have never used it I think that will be interesting!