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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Just because there are a few thousand people who still worship Norse gods doesn’t mean the religion is thriving.

    Yes, they’re still making noise. If anything, they’re making more noise than ever. But public sentiment is against them by a wide majority. Even a majority of Republican voters favor gay rights along with female reproductive rights. What we’re seeing is the impact of a minority imposing its will on the majority, and it cannot last.

    They’re the dog that caught the car, but they can’t keep it.

  • It’s not like new culture wars won’t be started and fought just the same. But there was a time when slavery was the topic of a fierce culture war in the US, and it wasn’t resolved until it broke out into a literal war. Now, nearly two hundred years later, it’s still unacceptable to suggest that people who look different are better off as property rather than people. Even Florida’s attempts to whitewash Southern slavery doesn’t go so far as to blame the slaves weren’t people.

    They’ve lost this culture war, just as they lost the fight for slavery and later to keep the population segregated. They’ll try again in time, but for the moment, the question of abortion and homosexual rights is largely settled at a cultural level. The conservatives lost, and that’s why they’ve largely moved on to nitpicking the definition of gender and trying (unsuccessfully) to defend their legal victories on women’s reproductive rights.

  • If your neighbor ends up homeless, what do you he’ll do to survive? Anything? Do you think that maybe helping your neighbor might contribute to the health and safety of your community better than if you leave him in desperate straits?

    But let’s make the metaphor match the situation a little closer. Your neighbor across the street is dealing with another neighbor who wants their property. They won’t sell, so the other neighbor is getting violent to get their way. Not your problem, right? Not until that neighbor comes after you, and with your arsenal they wouldn’t dare do that, right? That will certainly help keep the peace in the neighborhood.

    Being a good neighbor means more than just ignoring what’s happening on the other side of the fence. Strong communities look out for each other and help where they can. That applies internationally as well as locally.

  • It’s not like the US is supporting Ukraine alone. We just happen to have the best weapons, and a vested interest in containing Putin’s authoritarian ambitions. Providing material support to Ukraine without putting our own boots on the ground is a win all around.

    One reason Putin went to such efforts to stop Clinton from winning here is because she knows who he is and was very effective at quietly neutralizing him. Now we’re dealing with his ambitions in action, and we’re not doing it alone.