No, not at all. You can easily view the edit history of all Wiktionary pages – 2 years ago, someone put the definitions in the order they are now for a specific reason. This person thinks it should be the other way around, so if they want to change it it’d be best to make a discussion about it. That’s the best way to get a community consensus on it. Wiktionary is a collaborative effort, people have different opinions on the specifics of a page, that’s why discussions exist and are the go-to for settling differences in views.
Your entire comment reads like a subtle lecture to set_secret about the pitfalls of editing Wiktionary to support his argument in this thread. I think you did that on purpose, because you figured people would interpret it as what it seems to imply.
So let’s be clear here. You’re implying very heavily. Are you actually claiming that this person did this nefarious thing? What are you saying?
No, not at all. You can easily view the edit history of all Wiktionary pages – 2 years ago, someone put the definitions in the order they are now for a specific reason. This person thinks it should be the other way around, so if they want to change it it’d be best to make a discussion about it. That’s the best way to get a community consensus on it. Wiktionary is a collaborative effort, people have different opinions on the specifics of a page, that’s why discussions exist and are the go-to for settling differences in views.
Your entire comment reads like a subtle lecture to set_secret about the pitfalls of editing Wiktionary to support his argument in this thread. I think you did that on purpose, because you figured people would interpret it as what it seems to imply.
What are you talking about, I didn’t imply anything I outright said what I meant