I want to see the people coming into these threads defending the cops closing down these camps defend the cops arresting 2300 people.

  • shikitohno@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    And if the demands of the protesters are unrealistic or out of the hands of the institution, then there is no other real recourse but a police response.

    Generally speaking, the demands have been neither of these things, though. The media framing them in ridiculous terms like “Israeli-Hamas war protests” certainly doesn’t help anyone who is unaware to realize what the demands have been. They aren’t demanding the universities end the war somehow, but asking them to stop actively funding, assisting and profiting from the Israeli government and its policies, which is a pretty fair ask to make of most schools. Stop investing in Israeli companies and stop working with Israeli groups that contribute to the military, police and prisons. It’s not that hard.

    Aside from the completely disproportionate police response, schools like Columbia don’t really help themselves with how they want to glorify their history of student activism to draw in new students, but turn their backs on those principles once the students are protesting in favor of causes that the school administration decide are the wrong causes.

    I would go as far as to say this is a failure of the schools that the protests lasted as long as they did, not because of any particular fault of the protesters, but because the schools had largely made up their minds from the very start that they wouldn’t engage in good faith with the protesters due to financial and political interests. Even for the ones who have stated they’ll have talks are viewed as just stalling for time with it in the article.

    • FlowVoid@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      asking them to stop investing in Israeli companies and stop working with Israeli groups that contribute to the military, police and prisons. It’s not that hard.

      That’s not hard, and in fact the success of Brown students might be partly because they only asked for divestment from eleven companies.

      However, other students - including Columbia students - have asked for divestment from any company that does business with Israel. Which is a lot more difficult, because that would mean divesting from Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and countless other large international corporations.