• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    They aren’t using enough fear politics. The entire planet should be afraid of a fascist United States. Trump will tank the global economy. Trump will be more hostile to other nations than even liberal imperialists. There is no upside.

    It’s even better for accelerationists if the systemfails under liberals. If it fails under a fascist, liberals can just claim it only failed because fascists gained control.

    • venusaur@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Biden and democrats are taking advantage of this situation to do whatever they want because people are afraid not to vote for them. A lot of people are waking up tho and democrats need to either do what the people want or risk losing the vote. Not to Trump, just no vote. There will always be a Trump. It might take 4 years of Trump for the world to see how our voting system needs to be reformed and the two party system torn apart. Democrats are not for the people. They’re for the dollar bill.

      • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        No fucking shit genius. Ofc they’re taking advantage of the situation. That’s what the more left wing party does. However, not voting is forfeiting your choice. Unless you have a large, organized coalition who otherwise would vote, boycotts aren’t very effective. This is especially true when the worse choice is about as bad as choices can get. Unfortunately, there’s no use explaining project 2025 when your opinion isn’t based on facts.

        You think I disagree with you out of ignorance, but it’s your wistful thinking creating fake options. You’re just coping with the depressing reality. You believe not voting for Biden is an option because you really want there to be another way. You need to recognize your actual situation before you can find a way out of it. Acknowledgement is not the same as saying things are good and should continue.

        IS =/= OUGHT!

        • venusaur@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Not participating is absolutely a choice. You’re brainwashed and afraid.

          I don’t you disagree with you about my feelings about the Democratic Party. I disagree with your playing into fear politics instead of opting out. The cycle has to end at some point even if it takes a huge wake up call.

          • Feathercrown@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            In what way will voting for a fascist end the cycle? By making us not be able to vote anymore? Yeah, real good option you’re pushing for there.

            • venusaur@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              I never said I was voting for anybody. And you’ve clearly bought into the scare tactics. You honestly think the president has the power to stop voting? Relax. Take 4 more years of Trump and get it over with. Dems are losers. They need to wake up and give the people what they want instead of relying on scare tactics.

              • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Yes, and you thinking he can’t is giving American democracy too much credit. You have more faith in the system than any lib if you think that unironically.

                • venusaur@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  You’re catastrophizing. Understandable, but not realistic and not healthy. Really think it through. How could the president put an end to voting in the United States? Especially in 4 years. If you think that’s possible, think about why democrats haven’t then tried to reform the electoral college. Because they don’t want true democracy either.

                  Yes Trump would swing a lot of things right, but not to the extent that democrats are scaring people into believing.

                  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
                    5 months ago

                    You share the lack of perspective that most libs have. You don’t understand just how unstable our world is. You have a lack of imagination, similar to me when I was younger, mostly because my parents kept me sheltered from the world they grew up in. Growing up poor and Latino in dysfunctional households motivated them to protect me.

                    Unlike you, I did eventually learn how dangerous the world can be without suffering the worst of it. I read about history, learned about political science, and talked with people who actually remember how terrible the world can be. The challenges we are nearly guaranteed to face in the next decade will come as such a brutal shock to people who’ve never been in danger.

                    You think Trump swinging “a lot of things right” isn’t a big deal because you’re privileged as fuck, even compared to me. I grew up near your city, and there was a common sense of ignorance that I noticed. People just didn’t have the same financial concerns my family had. I always felt like an outsider in terms of class, even if the people were supposedly progressive. Get Out felt so relatable to me because I’d spent my life around out of touch liberals like you.

                    You’re not ill intentioned, just privileged, protected by the consequences of politics. You’re calling me hysterical because you’re a Dunning-Kruger champagne socialist. I’m not trying to play oppression Olympics, as I’m privileged too, but you don’t understand how dangerous and brutal the world is.

              • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                Not me specifically, but they want trans people eradicated, and I am indeed trans. If you aren’t aware of what they’re literally saying about us, what they’re already doing to us in red states, that’s your problem.

                I’m also brown, educated, left wing, outspoken, neurodivergent, bisexual, and a woman. I’m the embodiment of everything they hate. I’m their worst nightmare. I’m an obvious target for the state violence Trump promises to carry out. I made the mistake of not taking him on his word last time, and I won’t make it again.

                • venusaur@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  This isn’t oppression Olympics. Don’t need to know all the identifying factors that make you more oppressed than other people so you have some sort of moral or social high ground.

                  Last I heard lots of trans people are killing themselves. Sounds like a mental health crisis more than a political one.

                  I agree that Trump will do damage to the LGBTQ2A+ community and other oppressed communities, but the president doesn’t have all the power. Everything goes through the house and/or senate.

                  Please feel free to vote for a man who is aiding in the murder of innocent children and families. I will not tell my children and potentially grandchildren that I chose him or Trump to lead our country. I’ll vote for house and senate until they fix the electoral college and allow RCV or something similar for presidential elections.

                  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
                    5 months ago

                    Last I heard lots of trans people are killing themselves. Sounds like a mental health crisis more than a political one.

                    As someone with formal experience in psychology and mental health, the entire mental health crisis our society faces is the result of politics. As economic inequality goes up, mental health problems go up. Workers pushed by their bosses burn out. People living paycheck to paycheck have worse mental health. Everyone has worse access to healthcare and don’t seek the help they need because they can’t afford it. Trans people kill ourselves because our problems aren’t taken seriously by close minded people like you.

                    You see mental problems as a personal fault rather than a collective responsibility. This is because you think people deserve what they get and have sole “responsibility” for their suffering. You act woke, but you’re more ignorant to suffering Biden. Tell your children how you voted and never deny that you let a fascist gain power. Hopefully they’ll be decent people in spite of your efforts.