For some reason I’ve just never liked Spider-Man. He comes off as a whiney, ignorant child that never seems to grow up or mature despite everything he goes through. I love a good coming of age story, but he just never seems to become an adult.

        2 months ago

        I don’t like robin but was collecting comics when he took on the nightwing persona and that sorta coincided with teen titans being pretty awesome and suddenly I liked the character. It made me actually like more of the robin characters including dick before the change.

        • I went through a goth phase, too; I liked the Nolan reboot, and Nightwing was sufficiently angsty; now I’m just tired of it. I think it peaked in Game of Thrones - you can’t get much more depressingly negative than that - but I hope it swings back around to the golden age of optimism. You see signs, in movements like Solarpunk, but we’ve got a long way to go.