My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I’m dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    4 months ago

    Here’s everything I have learned to play because it was easy as shit:

    • Flute (hardest thing is getting the mouth placement down. Once you have that you’re on easy street; and I think this is probably true of all woodwinds and brass instruments)
    • Mouth harp (boingy boingy boingy)
    • Ocarina
    • Harmonica
    • Theramin (pretend you’re a wizard!)
    • Tambourine
    • Taiko drums
    • Bongos
    • Xylophone
    • Cymbals
    • Cannon

    The only instrument I have learned that was difficult and took years to get even semi okay at was piano. And I mostly attribute that to my small hands, because I can play so much better on a MicroKORG than a full size keyboard.