• APassenger@lemmy.world
    3 months ago


    I’m here for discussion, not argument. But you can post your first citation in this thread. I’ve already done one.

    You’ve used a lot of words, made a lot of assertions but followed few of the standards of civil debate.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      3 months ago


      Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice.
      (snip. this section is about voluntary manslaughter)
      B. Involuntary manslaughter consists of manslaughter committed in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to felony, or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution and circumspection.

      Whoever commits involuntary manslaughter is guilty of a fourth degree felony.

      Seriously Already linked it in the comments. Or you could just look up ‘new mexico manslaughter’ on google.

      So. where’s your sources?

      • APassenger@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        The movie industry has a Standard of Operations where an expert ensures safety and provides better protection than individual actors can. We cannot expect them to police the props and I sure as hell don’t want them deciding if it’s a blank or not.

        He followed that process.

        Now the legal system has spoken and the prosecution made such a mess of it a proper trial cannot happen.

        You can state your convictions all you want. Good faith would include “allegedly.” You’re full of certanties and cast judgement like it’s your job. At him. At me. At others.

        Have your certainty. Maybe that will keep you warm at night.

        My link was posted on this thread and speaks directly to the events of that day. It’s easier to find than your implication that if I want a citation I need to read all the next under the OP.

        I’m on vacation with family. I’m not spending hours on you. You’re just not worth it. You can feel free to read that last sentence a couple times, but I want to tell you the tone: these are events in New Mexico. We weren’t on set. There are far more important things than if some person on the internet thinks I should spend time finding out what I already know. People on the internet aren’t worth the judgement and vitriol you spew.

        When you’ve re-proceszed my link, because it addresses your post (I’d think) and shows they my original metaphor works… Then we can consider contuing.

        Or you can consider me not worth your time. And I’d support that. I’m just some dude on the internet. And it’s just some actor who will never get a real trial. And it’s not worth all the feels you’re putting out there…

        You’d have gotten further with me by talking about how poorly he handled the situation that lead to this. Instead you’re back to checking the brakeline every time you drive.

        • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          He followed that process.

          He clearly didn’t.

          First off there was no designated armorer (HGR’s contract expired.)

          Secondly, according to that process, the armorer is supposed to be checking it in front of him, handing it directly to him, and watching him and the firearm to ensure safety.

          That did not happen. We know that didn’t happen because if it did, nobody would be dead.

          Further, as the person holding the weapon, it’s his final responsibility to handle it safely. If an expert tells him “this is safe,” and it’s obviously not safe… then it’s on him.

          Pointing weapons at people and pulling the trigger; without at least checking its loading is unsafe, and Baldwin did not do that. He didn’t even see someone else that.

          When the consequence of not being anal about something is death, you’re expected to be anal. The consequences of not following gun safety is death. And this is why.