A 6-month-old boy died after being left for hours in a hot car in Louisiana, authorities said.

The baby was found dead in the backseat by his parent at about 5:46 p.m. Tuesday, according to the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office.

When the parent went to pick up the baby from day care after work, they realized they forgot to drop him off at day care that morning, the sheriff’s office said.

  • Warl0k3@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Yeah we’ve all seen ‘V for Vendetta’, it’s really not that deep. You’re acting like the average person doesn’t understand this - but the implicit threat of violence is central to all human culture. It’s impossible to miss. You’re railing about how a strawman you’ve built for yourself can’t wake up from it’s complacent slumber, and it’s distracted you from the truth; everyone already knows what you’re preaching. You’re not special for this realization, it’s not a deep insight. People fight against it all the time, and we’re winning, slowly. But it’s called a culture war for a reason, and we know that we’re going to lose some battles while we wage it.

    Most people aren’t helpless. Throughout history, populations have appeared unprepared for war because they did not want to fight that war. but time after time we see that a populace will retreat to violence as a solution when deprived of all other options. Your ‘strong survive, weak perish’ thing is so woefully oversimplified that it no longer resembles, even in abstract, the problems and supposed solutions that you then extrapolate from it.