An increasing number of studies are showing that marijuana may not be so harmless after all.

In two new studies, to be presented later this month at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2023, researchers found that regular marijuana use increased the risk of heart attack, stroke or heart failure — even after factors like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity were taken into account.

“Prior research shows links between marijuana use and cardiovascular disease like coronary artery disease, heart failure and atrial fibrillation, which is known to cause heart failure,” lead study author Yakubu Bene-Alhasan, M.D., MPH, a resident physician at Medstar Health in Baltimore, said in a statement. “Marijuana use isn’t without its health concerns, and our study provides more data linking its use to cardiovascular conditions.”

        11 months ago


        However the article alludes to two things.

        The age range for this study was 65 and older. That has to be taken with a grain of salt, most of these people are not as fit as they used to be.

        Even after controlling for smoking, elderly cannabis users having CVD risk had 20% more MACCE events encountered than non-users. Cannabis use in older non-smokers deserves investigation into CVD. risks

        However, the study doesn’t show any evidence of increased failure among people who smoke monthly or weekly, but on those who smoke daily. Which also might by synonymous with substance abuse. Which the author alludes to but does make a mention of.

        That being said, this article doesn’t really go in depth and a lot of information is hidden on the surface. I would love to deep dive into the main article research paper if you have it. Because there does seem to be a few pieces of the puzzle are missing.

          11 months ago

          Could be that they’re not measuring substance abuse but the viability of smoked weed as a pain medication in people over 65.

          My dad has heart and lung issues and I encouraged him to quit smoking and be mindful with the edibles. THC does bind to receptors in the heart and it is concerning with his health, regardless of consumption method.

          CBD is relatively safe but can have drug interactions too because of liver substrate inhibition preventing other medication from being metabolized.

          A lot of reasons to not assume weed is safe in 65 year olds who often eat a handful of other meds every day.