News this week that inflation eased more than expected in October solidified the view that the Federal Reserve is done with its most aggressive rate-hike campaign in four decades.

And that could be a boon for the stock market and your 401(k).

    10 months ago

    Okay… But the 401k holders aren’t being cheated in this instance. They bought an asset that can increase or decrease. It increased for a long time. Then decreased. Then increased again FAR beyond where it was in 2008 just 6 years later. Most investors kept their money in and are doing just fine.

    401ks are insured against losing the assets, e.g you own 500 of a particular option, you will always own those 500 unless you sell or that particular asset goes belly up, which is quite rare.

    Pensions are a different beast. Closer to the pyramid scheme referenced earlier, and were generally dissolved over the last 40 years by the companies that promised them.