• SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    C’mon man, that’s a little harsh, don’t ya think? I get that you don’t owe him anything but for real, not everyone’s calling is equally rewarding financially, and you know this, and you know how fucked up it is.

    Teachers deserve a wage that allows them to save and vacation every year.

    In fact, we all do.

    Fast food burger flippers do too. Society could afford it before, that we aren’t doing it now is the result of policy decisions, not some invisible market moral correction voodoo. Workers at Dicks Burgers in Seattle make $21/hr + bene’s and Dicks food is 1000x better than any fast food chain, and cheaper too. The money’s there, it’s just not being spread around.

    Good for you achieving your own security, honestly, I mean that. But the scales being balanced is something we all need to work towards. Youre still working class, and right now the games still rigged to make sure you die broke. If we can’t collectively work together to make sure the economy works for us all (cuz what’s the point of a society then? It’s just a fancy meat grinder otherwise), that paramedics make more than minimum wage. I’d like to live in a world where words matter. Where “essential” workers weren’t just sacrificed on the alter of capitalism bc the beaurocratic class got furloughed and are actually treated essential.

    Otherwise it’s just a matter of time until another round of Reaganomics or fascists usurp power and either way your union gets busted. Ask the control tower what it’s like when the government doesn’t give a shit about the law, or precident. The law only matters if it’s enforced.

    • SCB@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I sure hope you vote for higher local taxes every election. Local elections really matter!

      Vote for zoning reform too!