“You must be a legal resident of Iowa and the precinct you live in and bring a photo ID with you to participate,” the state Republican party said on Friday in a post on the social media platform X.

The party is scheduled to hold local gatherings, known as the Iowa Caucus, on Jan. 15 in which participants will vote for their choice for the Republican candidate to run in November’s presidential election. U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to be the Democratic Party’s nominee.

The state Republican Party posted its reminder after Casey DeSantis, appearing on Fox News with her husband, the governor of Florida, called on women from across the country to join the gatherings, saying, “You do not have to be a resident of Iowa to participate."

  • nixcamic@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    As a non American it’s kinda wild that

    A: you don’t need ID to vote

    B: not everyone has ID, like, how do you get a bank account or drive or go to school or change a cheque or get benefits or buy beer or anything?

    C: getting an ID is so difficult that requiring one is controversial.

    • roofuskit@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      ID is not issued by the federal government. It’s typically issued at the state level. As far as the bank account goes, most poor Americans are locked out of the banking system. Many poor Americans cannot afford a car. Etc…

      Here’s a brief summary of the physical and financial obstacles. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/challenge-obtaining-voter-identification

      All this shit adds up. Then you have to understand the same people who have to jump through all these hoops for an ID likely have to way half a day in line to vote. The same people pushing for voter ID laws in the US are closing polling places in these people’s neighborhoods to make it even more difficult. These are people who can’t afford to take half a day to get ID or another half a day to wait in line to vote. Because the if they miss work they’ll lose their job or be unable to make rent for the month.

      People on the left are not opposed to voter ID requirements, we’re opposed to implementing more burdens on people who already struggle with the logistics of voting.

      Make the required identification 100% free and cover the costs of any documents and time needed to get it and I’m all for it. But barriers for legitimate voters are antidemocratic and a very dark part of US history.

      • ID is not required in my State. If you don’t have ID, you can sign a sworn affidavit saying who you are and they have to let you vote with that.

        Government needs to be able to trust the sworn statements of citizens, absent some articulable evidence why it should not be trusted. There should be no penalty for not having ID, if you don’t have an ID and your affidavit is perjurious, the penalty still isn’t not voting, it’s a criminal charge for offering a false instrument; even if there is a state law on such ballot fraud, the penalty still isnt, like, recounting the vote and subtracting one (unless it’s caught before it’s certified), it’s the criminal charge. Elections need to be short and sweet with a clear end result.

    • Some places hold a perfectly valid election and you don’t even have to give your name, just show your finger, vote, and then dip your finger in a jar of ink on your way out.

      Elections are not meant to be perfect and expecting perfection makes you a mark for election lies.

    • Fedizen@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      If voting day were a holiday it wouldn’t be nearly as contraversial to require IDs, especially if ID offices were open those days.