• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • As someone who writes high throughput PHP code I can confirm that it’s much more about technique than language capabilities (though in an embedded setting things with dynamic GCs are simply unusable unless static memory management can be enabled with a compiler switch).

    For most projects you’d be much more rewarded for focusing on tools/framework/libraries available for the different languages (since that’s where most initial effort will go) and then build up any missing functionality as needed ontop of that base.

    Most languages can do pretty much anything these days. The technical advantages are much smaller than the impact the right approach will have… it’s one reason that I hold “maintainability” as the most important attribute of a project.

  • I’m not certain, since war is never a logical escalation it’s hard to predict when it will happen.

    Putin may drag his countrymen into a war simply out of political self preservation but Russia cannot win against Nato. Russia can bomb the shit out of western countries and launch nukes but in a purely math sense it’s like Germany in WW2 it would be doomed to failure.

    I hope we don’t get WW3 anytime soon and cooler heads prevail - I hope Putin is just bluffing and remains sane… but we’ll see.

    China absolutely has far too much to lose, I think war with China (even with Xi being a fucking hot head) is highly unlikely.

  • In 1992 Alladin came out - wearing blackface in a costume for that was definitely not the norm. You’ll find tens of thousands of pictures of kids dressed up in poofy hats and sweeping pants whose parents knew not to face paint them to be more accurate (and these are kids who’d get facepaint to dress as the lion king or a ghost).

    It may be that it was just Boston Massachusetts being a haven for the political correctness but if you know anything about Boston you’ll probably know we have a long sad history of being racist assholes (especially to PoC, Italians, Irish, Germans, Catholics… even Native Americans! So I guess pretty much everyone).

    I’m happy to admit there are areas of the US where blackface is still normal… but I think the adults are still aware of how problematic it is.

  • I’d suggest that 95% of Jira complaints are actually about corporate culture which is felt most keenly through asshole PMs trying to micromanage you through a ticketing system. It’s mostly a fine piece of software - if you have a certified wizard to configure it it can be great… if you have a dummy it’s going to be barely usable - but you can say the same thing about github issue tracking.

    The unfortunate thing is that the teams most likely to use Jira are also the teams I most likely never want to work on.