Tesla is reportedly planning a reveal of its self-driving robotaxi on the Warner Bros. lot amid widespread anger in the industry over the brand’s controversial CEO, Elon Musk, resulting in a rejection of its cars.

  • Granbo's Holy Hotrod@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    What’s the plan when all the low skill low pay jobs are automated? With each new advancement, it doesn’t feel cool and futuristic but sad and distopian. Like we all see it…

    • APassenger@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      Eventually they end up homeless and then they can be arrested?

      I mean, it’s not a problem until it’s my problem, and then it’s an urgent one. Am I doing this right?

      If only there was a way to Know the crisis is here…

      • MrVilliam@lemmy.world
        8 days ago

        And it’s fully constitutional to enslave convicts. So tons of free labor for every company who wants it, and then I guess export everything they help to make since nobody here can buy anything?

    • MrVilliam@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      I often wonder this. Who do these companies think will be paying for their goods and services when nobody can afford them? And a little further down that stretch, when they pay so little that working full time still doesn’t cover rent and groceries, who will bother with showing up to work at all? If you’re gonna be homeless and starving anyway, might as well just own your own time and find your own food and shelter on your own terms.

      I don’t think they understand that if they exploit much harder, they’ll be causing a societal collapse that will render their power meaningless. They’re stripmining both America’s labor pools and consumer pools in one fell swoop, and they won’t be invited to neighboring mines afterward. And then the most capable people will understand what is happening and leave, so only poor, uneducated, and underskilled people will remain. Basically Mississippi, but for the whole country.

    • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
      8 days ago

      Probably what happens in Charles Dickens novel, except everyone has smartphones now.

      But tech bros don’t think literature or history are important disciplines, so they don’t even know what happens in a Charles Dickens novel.

    • dohpaz42@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      This would be a good opportunity to highlight free education and/or technical certification for all. Whether it be college (white collar), trade school (blue collar), or something else, an educated work force will be well-equipped to handle such dramatic shifts in advancement.

          • Billiam@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            Yes, but they’re expired because the private school they were for closed due to due to being forced to accept more low-income students.

    • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      7 days ago

      Am I the only one who has noticed that direct-to-consumer sales are floundering and business-to-business sales are up?

      They’re just planning on bailing on the consumer market entirely. Expect things like your shopping to be more ad-supported than ever, because they know regular-ass-people don’t have disposable cash.

      Businesses on the other hand, have loads of money to spend, so we’re seeing the economy twist itself into knots to just support businesses buying and selling to other businesses, with taking care of the humans doing the work as an afterthought to be handled by someone else (see: Walmart educating their employees on how to apply for Food Stamps). Why worry about making sales to consumers when businesses have boatloads of money to spend on “services.” So many businesses farm out their “labor” to third party companies these days, everything from payroll to janitorial.

      They already have a plan, they are in the middle of executing it. Our futures will be ad supported, much like One Million Merits of Black Mirror fame. Expect all four walls of your ‘apartment’ to be covered in ads you can’t avoid just so you can afford an apartment. Expect ads and bullshit everywhere to “support” your life while closing doors to consumer access to almost anything. They don’t like poor people having access to information, and right now the only thing they have to fight access to information is disinformation and misinformation. They’ll drop those pretenses once the consumers are locked out.

      “What will happen if their employees are too poor to buy anything?” Nothing, they don’t give a damn that their employees are too poor to eat. They stopped marketing to consumers, they’re marketing to other businesses which have money. They’re genuinely not concerned with what happens to their employees.

      “You’ll own nothing and be happy” is a threat, just not in the way stupid right-wing capitalists think it is.

      Example: NVIDIA is making way more money selling fleets of GPU’s aimed at AI processing to businesses than they are selling video cards to the consumer gaming market. Gamers are like “when will GPU prices ever come down?” They won’t, gamers are not the key market anymore.

    • whyrat@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      If you’re not aware, look up the automation paradox: https://ideas.ted.com/will-automation-take-away-all-our-jobs/

      Every* automation advancement has lead to an increase in employment, not decrease. Most often jobs in the immediate sector are lost, but the rise in supporting sector jobs are bolstered.

      Classic examples are the cotton mill and combine harvester. The number of agricultural workers declined, but the number of jobs processing agricultural product increased. Or with ATMs, the number of tellers needed per bank location decreased, but the total employment in the banking sector increased (banks opened more branches, namely in places where it was previously cost prohibitive).

      As more things are automated, what’s being automated becomes cheaper and more prolific, often increasing (or creating) new opportunities. There are so many historic examples of this, it’s hard to justify “this time is different” predictions… Even for things like AI automating white collar jobs.

      *Edit: almost every. It depends a bit on how you count the secondary jobs, and where those are located (automation combined with offshoring results in a net decline in some countries, but increase overall).

      • AbouBenAdhem@lemmy.world
        8 days ago

        I think the underlying dynamic there is that automation in one industry led to cheaper goods, which led to consumer savings, which led to greater demand, which led to increased employment in other industries that eventually absorbed the displaced workers.

        The differences with the current situation are that, firstly, decades of corporate consolidation have reduced competition and enabled automators to channel most of the savings to corporate profits instead of lower prices; and secondly, the fact that automation is affecting the whole economy at once instead of a specific industry means that an economy-wide increase in demand doesn’t cause a corresponding increase in the demand for labor.

        • whyrat@lemmy.world
          7 days ago

          So if the difference is corporate consolidation… Sounds like that’s the real underlying issue then, not automation.

          Economics has well established that monopolistic behavior by firms harms consumers & the overall economy (that’s why we have anti-trust laws in the first place).

          Don’t conflate the one problem with another, as I agree the erosion of anti-trust laws is a bad thing and needs to be reversed. But that doesn’t mean firms further automating things is now also bad.

          I’d also say “automation affecting the whole economy at once” isn’t unique. The industrial revolution was not isolated to one industry, its effects were economy-wide. Also true for the transportation revolution (trains & steam boats moved everything), telecommunications, and the internet…